New Family

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Annabeth's pov

~been a week~

I climb down the fire escape that I had climbed up during the night. I glance around before jumping to the ground, my hammer at the ready.

I sigh as I realize no one's there. I slightly lower my stance. How did I get myself into this mess? I ask myself, then I remember. Oh yeah...

I start walking and find myself on a busy street. I glance at the sky to see the sun close to the mountians in the distance.

One week tonight... I'll have been by myself for a week... I sigh. If the rest of my time goes like this, I'm gonna have a slow life... I continue to walk around until my legs get tired.

I find an abandonned alley (allusion! Sorry... my English teacher has that drilled in my head*sighs* you may continue...) close to a old factory. I can't read the sign. Stupid dyslexia. Yes I read alot, but it still confuses me sometimes...

I walk in and see a bunch of scrap metal. I tilt my head to the side. I can use that...

I set off to work, glancing around and listening for monsters. Nothing. I don't like it...

I look at my finished shelter. I smile, nobody would think it would hide a child, just another pile of metal.

I hear voices. My eyes widen and I quickly get inside, holding my hammer close to me, ready for anything.

"-are they gone?" A female voice pants.

"I hope so... What was that?" A male answers.

Great, I had to move my foot. I hear foot steps and I start shaking. Please, please, please! No more monsters! I pray silently. To whom? I have no clue.

The metal moves upwards. I scream and start swinging my hammer, terrified.

"Wow, wow, wow! I won't hurt you!" The male says. I stop swinging my hammer and see a few brusies on the teenager. Did I do that?

I back into the wall, trying not to shake but utterly failing. I hold my hammer in front of me and study the guy infront of me.

He has bright blue eyes and blond hair cut close to his scalp. He wears a green shirt with faded words on it and a few burn marks. His blue jeans are slightly ripped as well. That's when I notice the scrapes all over him and a gash on his arm that he was holding.

I glance over at the girl no too far from us, her eletric blue eyes watching me care fully. Her black hair is cut short, looking as though a five year old had done it. She wore black skinny jeans were worn and ripped around the knee and ankle. She wears a black band t-shirt. AC/DC in bold white letters fade back into the black fabric. She looks to be in about the same condition as the boy in front of me.

I look back at the boy who I noticed has taken a step towards me. I try to melt into the wall.

"We're not going to hurt you..." The girl says calmly. My grey eyes dart back to her then back to the guy infront of me.

"W-why sh-should I-I believe y-you...?" I ask quietly, silently cursing my shakey voice.

She sighs. "Why are you out here by yourself?" She asks, ignoring my question.

"R-ran away... No longer wanted..." I say quietly, gaining a little more courage now.

"That's what happened to us too." The boy says.

"Really? Do you have... monsters chasing you too?" I ask.

"Yeah we do." The girl says.

"I'm Annabeth, but you can call me Annie if you like." I say, letting my hammer fall.

"I'm Thalia and this is Luke. Do you want to come with us?" She asks.

Do I? I certainly don't want to be alone anymore, that's for sure... but I hardly know these people... course, I don't see why they would hurt me...

"We can be a better family together instead of what we had." Luke says, croching down in front of me. "What do you say?"

I look at them a moment more. "Yeah, I would like that." I say, with a small smile.

Thalia smiles and holds out her hand to me, I take it almost immedatly.

"Oh and here, this might protect you a little better than that hammer." Luke says, handing me a bronze knife. My smile grows and I suprize him be hugging him. He wraps his arms around me then releases. I do the same with Thalia.

"Thank you..." I say quietly.

"Your welcome, now, let's go." Luke says as they smile down at me.

I take their outstreched hands and walk with them, practically beaming. I finally have a new family that won't leave me behind...

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