May Castillion

75 10 4

Annabeth's pov

~five months later~

  We were all really close now. We knew just about everything about each other. Luke and Thalia really are a better family than the one I left behind.

  At the moment, we are resting in one of the safe houses we had created along the coast of Virginia. Luke had gone out for supplies and I was just hanging out with Thalia.

  "So how did you meet Luke again?" I ask. I love to listen to this story.

  Thalia rolls her eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you? "

  "As much as you will tell me when I ask." I say, laying my head on her lap. She chuckles and starts playing with my hair.

  "Now let's see. I was running from a couple of hellhounds..."

  ~flashback, third person~

  A younger Thalia looks over her shoulder and forces herself to run faster, trying to avoid the two hellhounds hot on her trail.

  She ran into something solid. An older boy with blonde hair and blue eyes glances down at her.

  He turns away and a clang of metal is heard, then a sheirk. Monster dust explodes over the two. Thalia hears a deep bark from behind her. She turns to run, but sees that they're trapped in an alley.

  She lifts her spear and activates her sheild with Mudusa's head on the front. Out of the coner of her eye she sees the boy take a defensive stance.

  The hellhounds appear. Thalia takes the one on the right while the blonde boy goes after the other. Soon, they're both covered in monster death.

  She turns to the older boy beside her. "Thank you. I'm Thalia." She holds her hand out.

  He takes it. "Luke. And you're welcome." He looks around them at the dust, then takes in her panting form. "How long have they been chasing you?"

  "Too long." Thalia turns her sheild back into braclet form.

  They quickly become friends, knowing that it's better to have another pair of eyes in this world that seems intent on killing them.

  "You like him don't you?" I ask.

  A light blush creeps to Thalia's cheeks. "W-what are you talking about?"

  "MmmHmm." I smile up at her. "Your secret's safe with me." I pretend to zip my lips and throw away the key. "G'night Thals..."

  "Night Annie."

  I crawl over to my sleeping bag and go out like a light.

  It doesn't seem like a minute later when I am being shaken awake.

  I groggily open my eyes to see a worried Luke above me. "Waz da madder?"

  "Come on. Monsters."

  That wakes me up. I grab my backpack and knife, and quickly follow Luke out of the shelter with Thalia already fighting.

  The area gets bathed in light and a searing heat reaches me. They set fire to the shelter.

  Thalia grabs my hand and we start running. Then I hear a yelp of pain and Thalia's hand is pulled from my grip. I turn just in time to see her spear go through an epousi.

  I see blood on her leg as she tries to get up. I look around franticly to see Luke a bit ahead of us. "Luke! Thalia's hurt!" I yell out as I rush back to Thalia, bringing my knife out.

  Luke gets back to us and lift Thalia up. We start running.

  Something grabs me. I scream. It pulls me to the ground and a searing pain fills my leg. I turn around and stab my knife into the monster.

  Luke tries to come back to me to help me. "No! Help Thalia! I'll find you!"

  "No way!"

  "She needs help! I'll be okay, I promise!" He looks torn between us. "Help Thalia!"

  I somehow mange to stand though it hurt like crazy. I look at my leg to see a deep cut in it with purple brusing around it. I run/limp after Luke. "Go! I'm right behind you!" I can't hide the pain and fear in my voice though.

  Surprizingly he nods and waits for me to catch up, then starts jogging beside me.

  I feel light headed, but I keep going. Soon we reach a house. Luke looks reluctant to enter but one glance at Thalia and me makes his mind up.

  We enter. "Mom!" He calls out. Oh, that's why...

A/N Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! I would be really happy if you would comment a tad more offten so I know I'm not talking to myself, like I usually do... wait. You heard that? Styx... welp, until next time avoid the mortals!

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