A Not So Happy Family Reuion

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Annabeth's pov

  "My, my, what happened to you two dears?" Luke's mother asks, her cloudy eyes looking over me and Thalia.

  "They just need help, okay? Then we'll be on our way." Luke says, sounding a bit annoyed.

  "But Lu-"

  "No, just no."

  She sighs and motions for us to follow. Luke sets Thalia down in one of the diningroom chairs and I sit in another. Ms. Castellion come towards me.

  "No, ma'am, help Thalia first." I say.

  She simply nods and moves over to the black haired girl.

  A man walks in. He looks a lot like Luke. "Son, may I speak with you, in private?" He asks.

  Luke nods somewhat reluctantly and follows him back into the livingroom.

  "You know, Luke used to be a sweet little boy, so cute and adorable." His mom pipes up.

  I glance at Thalia as she begins to tell us stories about Luke's childhood.

  Soon she moves to me, patching me up. I hiss when she moves the bandage wrong. "Oh, my bad dear! Silly me!" She says, returning to her stories. I honestly wasn't really paying attention.

  I heard shouting coming from the livingroom.

  "No! I don't care!" I hear Luke shout.

  "Please, Luke, your mother needs you, I need you to be safe!" Lukes father says a bit more quietly.

  "Why do you need me!? Why does she need me!? Where were you when I needed you, huh? That's right, no where to be seen, Hermes!"

  Luke's mom starts to give us burnt cookies. "No thank you ma'am."

  "Alright then." She starts humming as she makes more cookies. It was easy to tell something was wrong with the woman.

  I stand up when Luke comes in, fumming. "Come on." He says.

  I help Thalia up and we limp after Luke as he storms out of the house.

  "Luke please!" His father calls desperatly. "Please be reasonable!"

  "Luke! Luke, please come back!" His mother's heart broken crys follow us. I whince.

  "No! I'm done!" Luke yells back as we disappear into the woods.

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