Part Two: Three Years Later

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Annabeth's pov


  I gaze at my reflection in the mirror. I've changed so much since my seventh birthday even if it has been only three years.

  My hair is still curly, though it reaches my back now, and my eyes have only gotten stormier. I am no longer the little girl who fumbled everything up.

  I am now a stratigically dangerous girl. Well, thanks to everyone here I am now.

  Yet Chiron won't give me a quest.

  Today we were sending off another group of three very lucky Half-bloods... I sigh and pull my hair back in a pony tail.

  I grab a orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and a pair of cut off jeans ending below my knees.

  It's the middle of fall now so most of the campers are gone, once a group of 58 now 23.

  I run outside and meet with Chiron on Half-Blood Hill, beside her tree. I've grown used to her not being there anymore, but it still pains me just to look at the great pine tree that was once the girl who sacrificed herself for Luke, Grover, and I.

  I've forgiven Luke and will occasionally speak with him, but he's different now too.

  The sparkle in his crystal blue eyes are long gone, replaced by sadness and anger towards his father and the cyclops that murdered her in cold blood. His hair has grown shaggy and his once held high shoulders and chin now droop when he walks.

  I know losing her on her own birthday was terrible for him. I blamed him once apon of time, but I was blind by grief and anger at Luke for not stopping, but he couldn't. He cared to much for my safety. Apparently she and him had made some deal to keep me safe no matter the circumstances...

  But I still have nightmares about that night...

  I shake my head and smile kindly at the passing demigods, wishing them luck and safety. Once they're gone I look up at the activities director.

  "Why can't I have a quest Chiron?" I ask.

  He sighs, his shoulders visibly falling. "We've gone over this, Annabeth... You are not ready."

  "But I defeated almost all of the campers here! Please, Chiron, please."

  "No." And with that, he trots off.

  I look up at the sky. "When will you allow me to do something!?" I ask and slump against her tree. I slide down the bark, glaring at the dirt before me.

  "Wow, Annie, what did the dirt do this time?" I glare up at Luke.

  "How many times do I have to tell you? It's not Annie anymore. That name has too many memories on it." I say, returning my glare at the dirt.

  Luke sits beside me. "Look, I'm sorry."

  "For what?" I still don't look at him.

  "For everything, Annie. For not stopping. For not standing by Thalia's side when she needed me most. For failing you." He says loudly, moving his hands for effect.

  I flinch at the names. "I don't blame anybody." I whisper, then stand up and walk away.

  For some reason, I've always loved the beach even if the god of the seas and my mother are bitter enemies. That's their problem.

  I sit on the water's edge and try to remember happier times in my life.

  The only problem?

  They were so few, so rare.

  A/N I have no clue where this part is going so bear with me here.
  I've decided I would continue this story thanks to my friends and suprizingly, teacher.
  Welp, please avoid the mortals until I come back! Thank you so much for reading!
  I would love some feedback as well, because just about all of you are silent. I know some people can't comment because I had that problem for the longest time, but maybe a few votes...?
  Er, you don't have to, these are just the silly hopes of a thirteen year old who, in a week, will be fourteen! I so excited! Love you all, byezzz!

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