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Annabeth's pov

  I finished packing my bag.

  My siblings said their goodbyes and good lucks. I walk out and start heading to Half Blood Hill where Chiron and my family waited.

  Campers wish me farewells. I don't see Luke though. Strange, said he'd be here, so where was he?

  I start walking up the hill.

  I make it to the top. Chiron smiles warmly down at me.

  My father stands with his wife and two young boys. He smiles at me and I return a small one of my own.

  "Annabeth, keep your dagger on you at all times, understood?" Chiron says.

  I nod. I see Suzanne, step mother, roll her eyes and make a small complantive noise.

  "Well, good luck, dear." He says. He ruffles my hair slightly and I smile up at him. He's been a father figure for me, especially when I needed one most.

  "Are you ready to go?" My father asks.

  "As ready as I'm gonna get." I sigh, after looking for Luke again. 

  We start walking. We get to the pine tree when I hear him.

  "Wait!" Luke yells.

  I spin on the spot and smile at the running figure that was moving up the hill. He stops in front of.

  "S-sorry I'm late... here, I thought you might want this." He puts a ring in my hand.

  I study it curiously. I know I've seen this before...

  "It's Thalia's... " I say, my voice cracking. I slip the ring on my finger and hug Luke, buring my face in his neck. "Thank you, Luke..." I whisper, my voice still a bit cracked.

  I can practically hear the smile on his face. "You're welcome. You better go. Write me, alright?"

  "Of course. Someone has to tell me who burned camp down." I say jokingly.

  He rolls his eyes. "Bye Annie."

  "Bye Luke."

  I smile and walk away, my fingers brushing Thalia's pine tree, whispering good bye.

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