Chapter 1- Percy's P.O.V

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A/N Guys! I. Am. Freaking. OUT!!!! I have finally posted the story I told you guy's about! Also, give thanks to the awesome profile of ilovepercy2!! She helped a bunch with the story. And I also want to say thank you to YOU guys for reading my book(s)! LOVE YA ALL!

Annabeth and I were on our way for a doctor's appointment. We've been married for two months now, and Annabeth and I are hoping for a child. For once in all known history- we were quiet during the drive. I tapped my fingers on the wheel anxiously as we parked in the parking lot for the Family Center. We walked in the building tensely, and I broke the silence when we went to the desk. "Percy and Annabeth Jackson." I informed the lady there. She tapped a few things on her keyboard. "I do not have an appointment for a Percy, but I have one for a Perseus." she said looking up. 

"That's my full name." I replied.

"Alright then." I tapped some more. "Go ahead and have a seat, Doctor Forkle will be with you in a moment."

We walked over to the chairs quietly and sat down. I looked at a Mother with a baby and her husband they looked like very happy parents. I sighed, thinking that that could be Annabeth and I someday.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jackson." I heard Doctor Forkle say by the doorway. We got up and followed him into a separate room.

"I thought nurses usually bring us to the room." I said confused. "They do, but we were running short on nurses today. Mrs. Jackson, please have a seat." He informed them as Annabeth walked over to the cot.

"The description said you guys were hoping for a child?" He asks. We nodded in response. He checked over Annabeth for about five minutes, and said: "Please follow me."

We followed the Doctor to a different room that had a bunch of machines. "Percy, I need you to step outside while I check some things over. I think she may be pregnant, but I need to be sure. Give me two minutes." I nodded slowly, not really liking the idea of leaving Annabeth, but I finally left.

Two minutes later, Annabeth bursts the door open, her eyes shining brightly. "SEAWEED BRAIN! I'M PREGNANT!" She announced happily. I picked her up in my arms, kissing her lips full heartedly. We were going to have a family!

"Thank you Doctor Forkle!" I said smiling. He nodded. "You're welcome. Please check back in four weeks."

    We arrived back home with excitement in our steps. "How should we tell everyone, Wise Girl?" I asked. "I don't think we should. I want it to be a surprise, or wait until they figure out that I'm pregnant." I nodded. "Sounds great. How about we make some blue chocolate chip cookies?"

    We sat on the couch eating blue cookies. Annabeth had one in her hand while I had two for each hand. We turned on the TV and watched some Finding Nemo. "I can't wait for a kid, seaweed brain." Annabeth murmured. I leaned my head on top of hers. "Neither can I. Hey... Should we think of some names?"

"Perce, we don't even know the gender."

"I know, but we can think of one for a boy and one for a girl." Annabeth smiled. "Alright fine. You choose a boy name, I'll choose a girl name."
"How about Charlie Luke Jackson for a boy?"
"I like that name." She replied. "I've always liked the name Sophia Elizabeth but Sophie for short... or we could name it Zoe Bianca, you know, after them." Annabeth whispered. I nodded. "I like it, Wise Girl." She turned her head towards me, and gave me a light kiss on the lips. "Now we wait."

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