Chapter 16- Sophie's P.O.V

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A/N @ilovepercy2

Hello, my fellow percabethians! Ilovepercy (and FieryHorse) here with another chappie! Wooooooooooooo! 2 in one day!!!!! Haven't done this since the first few chapters!!!!

You know what that means?!


Hopefully not. But you never know... (unfortunately)

Anyway, this is a good chappie. I'm happy with it. When we came up with the idea for this both Lily and I got the fangirl shivers. (anyone else knows what that feels like? No? Just me then.)

Hopefully, you get just as fangirly as we did.



A/N @FieryHorse

That moment when I realized we updated 2 chapters in one day...

Am I dreaming?
Nope, this is the reality.


Anyway, when we were writing earlier, I came up with the idea of another dream, and Lauren thought of what the dream would be about.

I have to say something, though...


(Lauren can be seen in the background, facepalming.)

Don't give me that Lauren. We both know you do the same thing for Percabeth.


By the way, we are kind of going back in time here. She had the dream LAST NIGHT when Biana and Sophie spent the night at the Grace's. This is a -flashback-

I was standing in a barren field, the wind whipping against my face, blowing my hair in all directions. A few feet in front of me, three large holes bore into the ground. Two figures were walking towards me. One of them, I could clearly identify as a younger Piper.

The other... looked like me.

I watched in astonishment as the two teens had a conversation next to one of the pits. The blonde started crying. Just as the first tears fell, bright, orange, a fire erupted out of the pit like a giant flaming geyser. The teens instantly got it together and jumped back. I watched as my lookalike tried to time the blasts of fire that now came out of all three pits at random. They talked some more and the blonde started to get frustrated.

Then Piper jumped.

She jumped into the pit closest to her.

I stood in shock until I suddenly found myself inside the pit with her.

Piper chopped the heads off of three dragon statues who were blowing the flames and called the lookalike down.

They examined the chained statue in the middle of the room and talked for a while. I wished my dreams came with audio.

I suck at reading lips.

The teenage girls continued to talk until a giant reptile-dude with a huge hammer came out of one of the archways and attacked them. Piper and the blonde hid in the archways and dodged the hammer until they managed to chop off the giant dude's ear and collapse a statue on him, turning him into a golden dust.

The gore made me cringe, I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. No matter what I tried, I was stuck facing this, and I had to deal with the carnage.

I watched as they offered a cornucopia as a sacrifice and chopped the head off of the statue.

The room went red.

After I could see again, Piper was offering the giant's disembodied ear to another statue. She said something and dragged my lookalike into one of the archways. Then I woke up.

(A/N Ten points if you can tell us which book that scene is from.)

-Present time-

I told Fitz every detail of the dream while we walked alongside one another, he listening to me intently.

"And it wasn't like any other dream?" He asked to clarify what I said earlier.

I nodded.

"It felt different... More vivid. Almost as if it was a memory that was not mine, watching it from third person."

Fitz pondered this, his teal eyes serious as he tried to piece the puzzle together.

"I wonder if this has to relate at all to the first dream we had." He finally said.

"This felt more like a flashback." I replied. "However, I think it is similar in some ways."

"Maybe James knows something about this. Remember when we asked him about the hydra? He told us that 'this is his life'." Fitz glanced over to where James was making similes to describe his step-god-grandmother's cookies to Dex, Keefe, and Biana.

"Dude, you are making me hungry!" We heard Keefe exclaim.

"Good. More room for cookies!" James replied laughing.

"Should I describe the whole dream to him or-" I began before James raised his voice.

"We're here!"

We turned to see a brick apartment building.

This was it.

A/N @FieryHorse

Ah, FINALLY getting to the juiciness! *rubs hands together and smirks like an evil villain*

Stay tuned for the next chapter... Hopefully less than 3 months!


A/N @ilovepercy2

Welp. another cliffy.



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