Chapter 15- Fitz's P.O.V

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A/N @FieryHorse


Lauren and I are hanging out today- we have a day off of school- so we took that opportunity to write this book!

Thanks for 8.1k views, guys! You seriously are the most supportive even when we SUCK at updating.

For those who are curious, this book is ABOUT halfway done. (A lot less)

Yeah... We still have a lot to write.

Enjoy this chapter!

A/N @ilovepercy2

Hello, my fellow percabethians! Ilovepercy here with another chappie! Second A/N! Time to celebrate!

*Lily walks in throwing confetti*

We have some amazhang stuff in store for the characters!


We walked downstairs to a rowdy kitchen and sat down at the table.

On the oak wood table, there were piles of waffles, waiting to be eaten- but they were blue.

I took a seat next to Sophie as James exclaimed, "oh yeah! Grandma Sally's blue waffles are the BEST!"

Piper walked in with Keefe right behind her.

"Oh. My. Forkle. I NEED this recipe!" I heard Keefe yell as he noticed what was on the table. "Waffles are AMAZING!"

After everyone sat down and took a waffle- or four in Keefe's case- I noticed Mrs. Grace looking at Sophie and me with a small, knowing smile on her face.

I took another bite of the waffle I was eating when she spoke up.

"Are you and Sophie a couple?"

Jason interrupted before I could answer, with his mouth full of waffle, "You're acting like your mom again, Pipes."

I looked back at Piper to see an undying flame of anger in her eyes, then started to grit her teeth.

Piper then let out a low sigh, letting her emotions out. "Well, are you guys a couple? I can't help but notice a connection between you two. And oh how lovely of a pair you'd be!"

I could feel my face deepening into a crimson.

She thinks Sophie and I are a couple.

Me? Fitzroy Avery Vacker with Sophie Elizabeth Ruewen-Foster? Although I wish for it... I know it can't be.

I'm the guy everyone thinks is perfect.

The golden son.

The one with anger issues.

"N-no we aren't." Sophie stuttered, her face equally red.

Piper blinked once.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You guys just look like you'd be a couple, and I could've sworn I saw some chemistry between you two."

"Oh, um, That's... interesting." I tried to turn my head from Keefe's stare that was burning a hole in the back of my head.

I turned and saw Sophie, still beet red, trying to cover her face with her hair while at the same time tugging at her eyelashes furiously.

Piper and Jason exchanged a knowing look, and James just rolled his eyes.

"Why do parents got to be so embarrassing?" he muttered under his breath.

"It's 'have' sweety. Why do parents HAVE to be so embarrassing." Piper corrected him.

He flushed with even more embarrassment if that was even possible, "point proven. Mom, have you been spending time with Aunt Annabeth again?"

"No, why?" The mother answered as she started clearing everyone's plates off of the table.

There was a stretch of silence after those interesting conversations when Sophie broke the silence.
"We should probably get going to go to your step-god-grandmother's house." She said, looking at James.

"Oh, you guys are heading over to Sally's?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow.

James nodded at his dad.

"Bring back some of her cookies." He said as if it was completely normal.

After everyone helped Mrs. Grace clean up after breakfast, the crew headed outside.

"It's not too far of a walk," James stated, taking the lead.

While the conversation drifted off in the front of the group, I lagged behind with Sophie, when she brought up something.

"Fitz, I had another dream."

A/N @FieryHorse 

Sorry about the cliffy! (Not really, mwuahaha.)

I cannot WAIT to write the next chapter. *Jumps up and down like a toddler who got a lollipop*

Lauren and I will try and write more later today, but I'm not going to promise another chapter. ('Cause who knows how long the chapter will take. And how long we have to write.)


A/N @ilovpercy2

Hello again.

Another day, another cliffhanger.

Hope you don't hate us too much. (Oh who am I kidding. You guys probably despise us.)

Anyway! Have a good time worrying about what happens next!



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