Chapter 18- Sophie P.O.V

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A/N @FieryHorse
*hiding behind a big boulder*
*hears the roars of an angry mob*
*army crawls to an apocalypse bunker and pounds on the door*
Helllllpppppp meee! Let me in—the readers are coming for me!
*a matter of seconds later gets swept along with the furious mob*

A/N @ilovepercy2
*Eating popcorn and watching TV in my apocalypse bunker*
*hears a strange thumping noise.*
Hmm. Wonder what that was...probably lily.
Oh well. Hope she's ok.
*turns attention back to TV*
Ooohh! Gravity Falls is on!
*Continues eating popcorn*

"The blue cookies are gone!" Keefe whined with his eyes wide open in despair (and his mouth stained blue). He lifted the bag up and tipped his head back to get the crumbs. Little did he know that he was only going to be greeted with a piece of paper to the face.

The crew, who was ignoring him until now, screamed in horror when Keefe carelessly tossed the paper in a nearby trash can. "NO! Keefe, that was the recipe!" Sophie screeched.

Immediately Keefe gasped and tackled the trash can in attempt to find the precious item.
He succeeded, but the pieces of garbage were now scattered on the sidewalk.

Dex facepalmed and James reluctantly picked up the pieces and put them back, grumbling about wanting to have wind instead of lightning. Whatever that meant.

Sophie, being briefly distracted, now returned her attention back to searching the house numbers. "I think we are getting closer," she declared with hope, noticing the numbers were getting higher. "654... 655... 656..." she paused in her steps and looked up at the house she stopped at, 657.

The house itself was quaint in nature: with a front porch, porch swing, baby blue sides, and freshly mowed lawn. To be honest, it looked like something out of a children's book.

"This is it." Sophie whispered, eyes now wide with anticipation. Fitz grabbed her hand gently for support. "Anything else we should know before we knock on their door?" He asked James.

James, trying and failing to hide his obscure grin, shook his head. "Nooooope. All good. Go right ahead. I'll just wait waaayyyy back here by the mailbox." He walked backwards a few paces to the gray mailbox.

Biana, being the brave one of the group, inched forward with Dex and Keefe trailing closely behind. Sophie and Fitz lingered for a moment, suspicious over James' words. James himself, true to his promise, didn't look like he was going to move away from the mailbox any time soon.

Before they even stepped halfway across the premises, a humongous black dog with blood red eyes barreled towards around the house towards them, snarling ferociously. Biana squealed and, in the heat of the moment, vanished—not thinking about the situation.

Sophie glanced over her shoulder to see James' eyes widen and mouth something she couldn't decipher.

Fitz yanked her out of the path of the beast in the nick of time. She was foolish to not pay attention to this "animal".
"WHAT DO WE DO?!" Dex shouted over the ruckus, bounding over to the cluster of teens—his hair bouncing in the process.

"I WISH I WAS BIANA RIGHT NOW!" Keefe replied, diving to the left to avoid the dog who came at him instead of Sophie that time.
"JAMES, WHAT THE MALLOWMELT DUDE?!" Fitz exclaimed furiously as he waved his hands in the air for emphasis. The dog came trotting back over, it's crimson irises glistening with hostility.

James smiled and held up 3 fingers, putting them down one by one. When the last finger lowered, the door to the house slammed open.

"MRS. O LEARY, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! THEY ARE NOT CHEW TOYS!" The man who stepped out of the house scolded the dog. Said dog whimpered, trotted over to him, and plopped itself on the ground in front of the man. Puppy eyes initiated.

"Noooo. Not working this time. Why don't you go visit uncle Nico for a while?" The dog whimpered again, dragged itself to a nearby shadow, and disappeared.

Biana gasped and reappeared after the animal left. "How...?" She whispered, barely audible for anyone to hear except for Sophie.

Not that she acknowledged it, since her gaze was fixated on the man who stood on the porch, shaking his head with a smile.

He returned her gaze with his sea green eyes—but his smile faltered for a millisecond when he saw her.
"Sorry about that. She gets excited with newcomers. She's just a big puppy at heart..." he looked over Sophie's shoulder to see James who still stood by the mailbox. "oh hey James! Didn't see you there. How's your parents?"

But before James could reply, a blond lady walked through the doorway. "Who is it Percy?" She asked.

"Just some kids." Percy replied, gesturing towards the group. As the woman turned to see the guests, she met Sophie's eyes, and the blue papers she was holding fell from her grasp.

A/N @FieryHorse
Don't worry, we are working on the next chapter. *backs away slowly*
Lauren thought we wouldn't be able to right today, well, she was WRONG! >:D

A/N @ilovepercy2

*wearing a pink sparkly tutu*

Look, Lily I'm not gonna—

Fiery: DO IT


*bounces up and down slowly*
I'm Lauren and I was wrong.
I'm singing the Lauren Wrong Song.
*jazz hands*
I shouldn't have taken that chance.
Now here's my remorseful dance.


*lame kicks*


*continues lame kicks.*
*hat falls off*
*Fat dog named Frodo starts eating the hat.*
*tries to get the hat back*
Oh my back!

Fiery talking to her cat: what do you think, Dakota....?

*cat meows*

Fiery: TAKE 30!!!!


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