Chapter 10- Fitz's P.O.V

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A/N Presenting...

CHAPTER 10!!! FINALLY! We freaking finally wrote another chapter. Again, go check out the amazing ilovepercy2! She's a great writer, and has amazing books. We/I won't be able to update again for a little over a week, for I'm going on another vacation before school starts for me. Please enjoy this mysterious chapter! Vote, add to library, and comment your thoughts!

I wake up to see myself standing on a hill, the wind whipping my dark hair in my face. I hear a scream, not just any scream, a bloodcurdling scream. I try calling to whomever is screaming, but my voice drowns into the distance. I try moving, but my feet felt as though they were glued to the ground. The sky darkened, flashing lightning, and making the wind whip harder, making the screams louder. I hear a low voice from somewhere behind me, but I can't turn my head.
"Come on Dad, quit being such a Drama Queen."

Over and over the voice echoed, as the weather became worse and more dangerous. I flick my eyes towards my left to see Sophie laying on the grass helplessly, screaming as a guy walked closer and closer to her. The closer I looked at this man, the more I realized it was no ordinary human.

It was a monster.

I woke up with a thundering start with my heart pounding and thudding in my chest. My dark hair stuck to my face with beaded sweat.

It was just a dream.

Why such an odd dream?

I turn to see Keefe looking out the window in the room.

"HE'S ALIVE!" He said laughing as I slowly get out of bed. Dex sits on the couch, fingering with a human gadget he found.

I don't reply as I meekly sit on the couch in utter fear from the dream.

"You ok?" Dex asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I shrug. "I had a nightmare, and it was odd, really-" I began but was interrupted by Keefe.

"'Nuff said Fitzroy, we don't need to hear of a dumb dream." Keefe said waving his hand in a dramatic "shooing" manner.

"Keefe, this isn't like any other dream, it felt real."

"And people say I'm unrealistic?"

"Keefe!" I say in defeat, but laugh which makes him smirk.

"We should probably go eat something, I have a feeling Foster would like to leave soon." Keefe said walking over to the door.

"She's probably already there." He added as we walked towards the stairs.

"What the heck is this amazingness?!" Keefe said as he took another bite of this... Actually, I'm not sure what it is either.

"That's a waffle with syrup and whipped cream, Keefe." Sophie replied grinning as he took another bite.

"IT'S DELICIOUS!" He replied grabbing a fifth and pouring a ton of syrup on it. We laugh.

Sophie shifts in her seat uncomfortably. "Well we should probably head out..."

"But I haven't have my sixth waffle yet!" Keefe whines.

"We slept in a little too late, we have to go. Sorry Keefe."

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiine. As long as I get to pack three in the backpack."

Sophie rolled her eyes but nodded in defeat.

We walked outside onto the sidewalk while Sophie looked at a map. "We can either go by Taxi, or go on a bus which is a five minute walk away from here to get to the bus stop, and pay cheaper price wise."

"I vote on bus." I say even though I don't like the idea of going in a human vehicle, trusting a human to keep us all safe. But Sophie has told me it's not that bad.

I'm trusting her on this.

We walk down the busy streets dodging humans as they rush to go to their work. We stop at the bus stop and some of us sit down on a bench, waiting for the bus to arrive.

"We got here a few minutes early just so you guys know." Dex said looking at the time schedules on a board beside the bench. We all nod as Biana get's up to look at a boutique right by the stop.

"WOW! Those dresses are gorgeous!" She said gasping. "For human standards, anyhow."
While she was oohing and ahhing over the dresses, I take her spot on the bench next to Sophie.

"You ok?" She asks me her brown eyes looking into my teal.

"Uh yeah. Why?" I ask, suddenly noticing that our knees are touching.

"Earlier you seemed... Unsettled." She replied.

I swear she can read me like an open book.

"I-" Before I could tell her why, the bus arrived with the door automatically opening. Biana walks over seeing the bus and we all walk in, as Sophie pays the driver. We walk towards the back, and Keefe, Dex, and Biana sit on one seat, so Sophie and I sit on the one in front of them.

"What were you going to say out there?" She asked.

"Well, I had this disturbing dream. I was on a hill, and I couldn't move nor talk. The weather was getting worse, storming and whipping winds. And I kept hearing this voice say over and over: "Come on Dad, quit being such a Drama Queen." I heard these bloodcurdling screams, and I noticed it was you, and there was this guy that was walking towards you, but he wasn't normal, he was like a monster or something." I finished shakily.

Her eyes were wide.

"I-I had a dream almost identical to that. Except you were yelling and the guy was walking towards you."

"It was so real..." I said and she nodded. "It couldn't have been a dream, could it?" I asked.

"Well it kind of has to be, I mean what else would it be?"

We continue discussing the dream when the bus came to an abrupt stop, throwing Sophie forward, but thankfully I held my hand in front of her so her head wouldn't bang on the seat in front of us.

Before she could reply, or for me to make fun of her height, a lightning strike pierced the bus, sizzling while making the bus catch on fire. Screams erupted throughout the bus, as everyone leaped from their seats and ran for the emergency exit. Another lightning strike pierced the bus, making the front half explode sparks everywhere. More screams when a car rammed into the bus from the back. I glanced at my friends, wondering what to do as more piercing screams erupted, I glanced to my left to see a woman lying on the floor from electric shock.

This couldn't be good. 

A/N Please don't kill us on the ending... 

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