Not An Update, But I Have News

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A/N Wait for it...
Wait for it...
It's a One-Shot book! Please go check it out if you have read KOTLC, PJO, MDBCS, AND MANY MORE!!!
Some of you know that I have a book on ilovepercy2's account called: "Sophitz moments~add ons", Which is basically a sophitz oneshot book.
But the book I have on my profile is oneshots of books I have read! I will be posting from ships in PJO to KOTLC to some other series. (If you see that I updated a oneshot from a series you don't know, check out the book!) The first one is percabeth... *smirk*
Please check it out.

And that's not all...
I have mentioned before about updating every week. Well, soon I will be making a book called: "updates and information." Which is basically a book about my updates, me being tagged, information you guys would probably want to know. When I make that, I will post a chapter on my updates for this book and other books I have.
I know I haven't talked about my promise in awhile... but I swear that when everything is figured out on updating/dates/schedule between Lauren and I, and when some of my real life problems are settled, I will start writing more.
Please forgive me on how long my promise is taking... But please be patient :)

Love you ALL!!

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