Chapter 2- Percy's P.O.V

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A/N And here is a second chapter! We have been writing like beasts today and yesterday! We are currently prewriting it on Google Docs, then we edit, then we post it on here. ENJOY CHAPTER 2!! (Note: This chapter is really sad)

I was in the kitchen making some blue pancakes for breakfast. Annabeth was still sound asleep, and besides, she needed it. She was a week away from the due date, and we were both eager for our daughter to be born. Yep, it turned out to be a girl! We decided with the name Sophia Elizabeth, it just felt so right. We visited Athena and Poseidon a week ago... Deciding we had to tell someone about Annabeth's pregnancy.


    "I'm worried, Perce." Annabeth began. I looked at her. "Why?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Percy, what will my mom think? She didn't want me with you anyway." I looked at her in the eyes. "I don't care what she thinks-" I was interrupted to hear Athena's voice saying: "You don't care what who thinks?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. We turned around to be face-to-face with Athena. She gasped when she looked at Annabeth. "WHAT!?" She yelled furiously. Percy stepped forward, "Yes- she's pregnant but-" Athena glared at me. "I NEVER WANTED A SON OF POSEIDON WITH MY DAUGHTER! AND NOW SHE'S EXPECTING!" She said bitterly. "Please, you let me marry her, what did you expect? Us never to have a kid?" Percy yelled. She glared down at him, her face twisted in a scowl. Then it softened. "Look- I'm just not happy about the marriage, but you're right." She said. Percy's mouth dropped. Did the Wisdom Goddess just say he was right? Percy Jackson, right? "I'll give you my blessing, but only for your firstborn. Afterwards, you better not have any more kids... Unless you really like owls." With that she vanished in a poof of smoke. I looked at Annabeth. "We can only have one kid..." She whispered sadly. "No, Annabeth, we can have as much as you want. Don't let her get to you."

    We were at the beach an hour later, waiting for Poseidon. He appeared out from the sea, walking towards them. "Congratulations Percy and Annabeth!" He said smiling, the corner of his eyes crinkling. I sighed with relief. Thank the gods he wasn't acting like what Athena did. "I'm sorry, but I have to get back to the kingdom, there seems to be an issue." He smiled at them then vanished under the waves.

                Back To Present-

    I flipped the pancakes, my mind lost in my thoughts. I suddenly hear a scream from upstairs. I stumbled up to see Annabeth's hand on her stomach and hear her yelling: "GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL!"

    In the car Annabeth kept yelling: "YOU IDIOT!" "FASTER, FASTER, FASTER!"


I guess I shouldn't be surprised of her outraged emotions...

    I paced back and forth in the waiting room. I turn to see the nurse motioning for me to come inside. Her expression was tight, and showed no emotion. Did everything turn out ok? I ran inside to see Annabeth crying. "You ok Wise Girl?" I asked.
"Seaweed Brain... Our daughter is dead."

"How is she dead?!" I yelled, my eyes started to water. I saw Doctor Forkle walk towards us. "I'm sorry, she couldn't survive the birthing process. It was too much." He said, but something was hidden behind his eyes. Like some sort of secret... "Excuse me sir, would you mind telling me what you did with my daughter?" I said as I gave him my death glare. He backed up a step. "Nothing, Mr. Jackson. She didn't survive the birth, it's happened many times before." He said. My hand trembled as I gripped the armrest. I walked over to Annabeth, "I'm sorry Annie." Suddenly Athena appeared in the room. "I'm sorry dear daughter. But I cannot bless another child. I have to stick with my word." My eyes burned with fury. "NOW'S NOT THE TIME!" I screamed. Annabeth put her hand on my arm. "Perce, it just wasn't meant to be. Sophie Elizabeth Jackson is dead."

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