Chapter 7- Sophie's P.O.V

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A/N Presenting... Chapter seven!! Just so you guys know- I won't be always updating this fast. Just a quick heads up!

    I leaped to Everglen the next day to be blinded by the tall golden gates. Before I could even knock, Fitz appeared with the gates bursting open.

"Everyone's in Dad's office." He said as I followed him inside the glittering mansion, listening to our footsteps.

We walked into Alden's office to see everyone already there. Alden was standing by his desk with five piles of clothes.

"Aright, Sophie is here." He said as we walked towards them.

"This is a very important matter to discuss." He began. "I talked to the twins just before you came." He told me.

"I thought it was best for only five of you to go, but Linh and Tam will keep in contact with you guys, considering I am very busy with emissary work. Which means one of you need to bring your imparters." He told us as he handed Dex, Keefe, Biana, Fitz, and I the piles of clothes. "These are human clothes that I got yesterday when I went to the Forbidden Cities." He informed. "But before you ask why I was there, it was only because you guys needed human clothes that fit, unlike last time." We all smiled at the memory of running away to the Black Swan. "Everyone change, then come back here. Then the rules shall be explained."

I went into one of Everglen's humongous bathrooms and changed into the human clothes. My shirt was a dark blue t-shirt and a jean jacket and light colored jeans. I put on some black sneakers, and walked back into Alden's office. Fitz had a similar outfit from last time. He wore a leather jacket with a teal undershirt, he wore dark jeans and sneakers. The teal shirt made his eyes look even brighter, which I have to admit, melted my heart. Dex wore a red shirt with a marvel logo and he wore long jean shorts. Biana looked gorgeous in her purple ruffled shirt and black flowy short skirt, her shoes were teal flats. Lastly I looked at Keefe, and nearly died laughing. He was wearing a shirt that was obviously made for a girl. He had a purple T-shirt with flowers on the bottom and shorts.

"Not a word about the shirt!" He said as he glared at Fitz and Dex. Alden meanwhile was frowning. "I guess I miscounted. I am sorry Keefe for this, you can borrow some of Fitz's old jackets, they'll just be a bit small on you." Keefe grumbled as he exited the office with Fitz.

They came back looking like twins. Keefe wore a leather jacket with a white undershirt and regular jeans. Keefe looked a lot more content since he was out of the girly shirt. Alden walked over to them, clasping his hands together with a smile. "Perfect. Now the supplies." He walked over to me and gave me my backpack. Inside was water bottles, snacks, money and a few other important things.

"I really hope I don't regret this." Alden murmured as he looked at us five. "Remember the address?" He asked me. I nodded and recited the address:

"376 Baker's St. Manhattan New York." He nodded satisfied. He took off our pendants and my nexuses. I still wish I didn't need them- but Elwin insists on it.

"Lastly, I want you all to come back in five days. Even if you didn't find them, be back in five days. Good luck children." He said embracing us in a hug. We all walked outside of Everglen, facing the woods. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest. This was the truth. It was drawing near, I was finally going to meet my parents.

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