Chapter 19- Sophie's P.O.V

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A/N @FieryHorse & @ilovepercy2
Fiery: *rips free from mob's grasp*
*mob screams about it being E X T R E M E L Y  late*
Yeah, it is, but if you kill me there won't be any more chapters. Lauren can't write this on her own, ya know.

ilove: *lauren pokes her head out of her bunker* WHO SAYS!?

Fiery: Well, you know—WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!! *starts dancing while doing jazz hands and sings the HS musical song*

ilove: *Points threateningly at Lily*
No. We're not. I have my problems. You have yours. They do not intersect.

Fiery: *clears throat while giving Lauren a "look"* as you can see, WE NEED EACH OTHER. *smiles painfully while looking at the mob who still have their weapons raised*

ilove: *sizes up mob* Nah, you need me. Not vice versa.  *puts on "deal with it" sunglasses*
*ducks back into bunker*

Fiery: ouch *clears throat nervously*

*paper airplane hits lily*

*lily opens paper airplane*

*Messsge on paper airplane*
                                                   With love,

The woman continued to stare at Sophie, her mouth gaped wide open. Percy waved his hand in front of her face, still being gullible about the whole situation.
Dex tapped his foot impatiently, and raised an eyebrow. "Sooo... you're going to just stand there?" He commented while the woman lifted her hands and covered her mouth. Sophie was sure she was not mistaken when she saw her eyes water.

Percy was shocked at his wife's emotionality. "Uuuhh... Annabeth? Annie? Why are you crying?"

She slapped him across the face, hugged him, then held him at arm's length, still silently crying. "Seaweed Brain, don't you see it?"

Percy rubbed his now red cheek, his face a confused expression. "No... See what?"
Annabeth rolled her misty eyes and took his head in her hands, gently turning it towards Sophie. Sophie stood only a few feet away, at the bottom of the porch's steps. She reached up to her eyes and lightly tugged on a loose eyelash, feeling justified that this moment would be fine to pull one out. The others, Fitz, Dex, Biana, Keefe, and James stood a few paces away, a small smile plastered on their faces (and a large grin on James').

Percy was still oblivious to what his wife was implying. "Heeeyyyy! She looks kinda like you Annie!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes once again and turned to sophie. "What's your name honey? Your full name."

Sophie bit her lip nervously. "Sophie Elizabeth Foster," she whispered, not finding any bravery to meet Annabeth's gaze. "At least... I think it is."

Fitz repeated her name a bit louder so Annabeth could hear it, and Sophie sent him an appreciative look.

Percy's face brightened a bit. "That's what we were going to name our kid if it was a girl, right Wise Girl?"

Annabeth facepalmed and turned back to Sophie, "and how old are you Sophie?"

Flicking away another eyelash, she answered a louder then before. "Just recently turned fifteen."
Annabeth looked back at percy, "and how old would our daughter be if she didn't -supposedly- die?"

Realization finally dawned upon Percy's face, he stared at her in shock as he started to shake... and the ground shook with him.

"Oh gods, PERCY PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Annabeth shouted over the roaring earth. Sophie fell, hence she isn't balanced to begin with, but her friends only stumbled.

As he calmed down, the rumbling stopped and Fitz helped Sophie back up. "Don't give me that Wise Girl. You're not doing so well either."

Annabeth lightly punched him in the arm, "Oh shut up. I'm not the one causing earthquakes when I get a little emotional."

Percy muttered under his breath, "you might as well be."

Sophie awkwardly stood nearby, watching them having a very strange conversation. She didn't know what to do, so she pulled out another eyelash.

"Anyway," James butted in, "they were looking for you guys and got attacked by a monster. So I brought them here. I figured once I dropped them off they wouldn't get attacked anymore. I mean, they are in the presence of the most famous demigod in existence- eep!" his hands flew to his mouth, interrupting his fanboy rant.

If looks could kill, the glare the couple gave James would've melted the continent.

"You mean that super cool Hercules dude and other heroes like that?" Dex questioned in curiosity.

"First of all. Hercules was a jerk. Second of all, yes." Percy answered.

Dex's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he slowly turned to Sophie. "Sooo... you're like demidemigodelf."

Annabeth piped up, "Also known as a legacy and—wait, did you say elf?"

Sophie sighed, realizing there was no reason to hide this anymore. "Yes. My friends and I are elves... it's a long and complicated story," she answered, her voice steady.

"Well as far as I know, neither of us are elves. So either Annabeth had an affair—which DID NOT HAPPEN—or that doctor did something to you." Percy reasoned.

"Long story short, my genes were messed with. But that's something I can talk to you guys about later." Sophie quickly replied to clear things up.

"That doctor's gon' die." Percy said very nonchalantly, Annabeth nodded.

"About that... he's already dead," Sophie quietly said, her stomach sinking. "But he was a good guy."

Annabeth shrugged, "What difference does that make?" She honestly looked like she was about to charge into the underworld and punish Mr. Forkle's soul herself.

"Enough of this talking! Where's the family reunion HUG!?" Biana piped up.

Percy shrugged and smiled, "I'm down with that." Grabbing Annabeth's arm and leading her down the stairs.

Sophie's eyes began to water as she watched them descend the stairs. These people in front of her were her biological parents. The people she'd never think she'd meet. The look on their faces were of pure love from a parent to their child. Sophie's knees began to buckle under her from the force of the emotions hitting her, but that didn't stop her from taking a deep breath and running into her parent's loving embrace.

A/N @FieryHorse
I'm dead.
You guys don't have to kill me anymore.
I'm already dead from the cuteness. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
This reunion made my heart melt!
*floats into the sky of oblivion into fandom heaven*

A/N @ilovepercy2

My heart exploded.

The Funeral is on Tuesday.

Bring flowers.

Here is my tombstone:

RIP Lauren

Died from cuteness overload

**** - 2018

May she rest in Elysium forever.

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