Chapter 11- Sophie's P.O.V

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A/N WE. HAVE. UPDATED!!!!!! EEEEK! I AM SO HAPPY THAT WE FINALLY GOT TO WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER! Quick reminder: This book is 50% mine and 50% ilovepercy2's! (If you haven't checked her out, I urge you to do so). LOVE YOU ALL!!!

We didn't have much time.

The sky darkened, making shadows stretch as I saw something in front of the bus, something I have never seen in my entire life, and I was hoping there would be no such thing.

The monster from the dream!

The tall dragon like creature stretched its eight heads into the air and roared, spitting fire and acidic poison into the air. I screamed, since it felt like it was a right time to do so.

I leaped from my seat as Fitz quickly followed. Humans screamed as more lightning pierced the sky. For a second I thought I saw a horse in the clouds, but I was too terrified to pay it much attention. First of all, there was a dragon with eight heads spitting fire and acidic poison, so a flying horse was not what concerned me. We all rushed to get out of the bus that was now aflame. Humans screamed, but there seemed to be no one calling 9-1-1. Why? We needed police, ambulances, and fire trucks, but no sirens roared, but a dragon- but that's not something to help them, but to destroy them. I glanced towards my left to see a human screaming as he was snapped up into the monster's jaws. My eyes widened as I heard Biana let out a squeal of terror as she disappeared.

"Biana?!" I screamed, but soon she reappeared behind me. "Guys, we have to get out of here!" I added as Keefe replied, "way to point out the obvious!"

We began to run, but I heard a deafening CRACK as a lightning bolt fell from the sky and disintegrated where I had just been standing. I turned my head upwards to see the lightning horses and the dragon's heads looking at me with evil eyes as they began to follow us.

They were targeting us.

But why?
I looked up to see the flying horses continuing to shoot lightning bolts at us, and my heart began to beat with rapid speed.

Why are we being targeted?

I tapped Fitz's shoulder and we all slowed and turned to see the commotion.

I saw my friend's eyes widen at realization.

We can't escape fast enough.

"WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" Keefe screamed like a girl.

Dex laughed, "You scream like a girl!" he said laughing.

"A very manly girl if I do say so myself" He replied through a smirk.

I took a step forward and tried to channel my anger, hoping inflicting pain upon the monsters would work.

My vision dimmed red as I shoved the emotions out from me hoping it would save us some time.

But, unfortunately, the dragon like monster only shook one of its heads in pain, and about two evil, flying, looking horses fell out of the sky.

That wasn't enough.

"RUN!" I screamed in desperation as my friends and I began running once more, but it was no hope.

We wouldn't be able to escape.

My head throbbed from the inflicting, a headache forming.

"GUYS! Keep going, I will try and stall it a little longer!" I yelled to my friends above the chaos. They turned to me and shook their heads defiantly as Fitz says,

"No. We stick together."

If it wasn't for the circumstances, my heart would've turned to hummingbird mode.

But before I could reply, I felt some heat come to us like a force.

I turned to see the dragon right in front of us, all of its heads looking at me with a orange glow in their mouths. It began to bend lower, preparing to make us charcoal, but something flashed nearby.

"HEY SNAKE BREATH! OVER HERE!" Someone said as a bolt of lightning came down and fried one of the monster's heads. All of the rest of the heads turned towards a lone figure on the hill behind it. This figure had dirty blond hair, looked about 14 years old, and had casual clothing. I wasn't close enough to see more details. The dragon breathed fire in his direction, but the boy leaped forward and used his sword to slash off one its heads, making it fall right next to Biana.

A scream erupted into the air from Biana. We all looked at the severed stump and to our horror, two more heads started to grow out of it.

I was close enough to hear the figure say, "Oh yea, hydra, duh." Right before he used lightning to blast the stump, burning the not-fully-formed heads before they could grow. He kept using this pattern, cutting off the heads then blasting them with lightning, until there was only one head left. Which he drove his spear right into its eye. The beast exploded into golden light and the sky cleared of horses, probably scared now that the hydra was defeated.

The boy jumped down from the hill, landing next to us, and said simply:

"Hi. I'm James."  

A/N Sorry for the cliffy! 

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