Chapter 9- Sophie's P.O.V

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A/N Hello fellow readers! ilovepercy2 and I have finally updated! *Cue the gasps and faces of shock* This chapter was so much fun to write, so I hope you guys will enjoy it! Also, this is not edited, just so ya know.

We left the cafe and started walking towards the direction of the hotel. We instantly spotted the rainbow looking hotel. It had lots of nicknacks only hippies would have, and part of it was under renovation. I'm hoping they won't be working on it tonight, because we kind of want to sleep. We walk in silence as the clouds quickly darken.

It's going to rain any second.

"Uhh guys, we may want to start running." Keefe said as the rain started. We all started running at full speed. The rain poured with full force right before we got there. We were soaked, but thankfully we were now under the awning of the hotel. I look beside me to see a blond man whisper under his breath: "Come on Dad, quit being such a drama queen."

But there was nobody around but us and him, and he wasn't talking on the phone. Plus, he was looking at the sky.

I turned towards Fitz and he looked like he noticed it too.

"Let's go check out two rooms and rest." I say as we walk inside, ignoring the odd man, who by now, had gotten an umbrella out and walked away.

We walked into the hotel and saw a girl at the check-in counter, she was about 20 years old and her name tag said, "Fleecy." She looked up and smiled at us, "Hello, welcome to Iris' Goddess Hotel! I'm Fleecy and I will be checking you in. Are you here to make an Iris Message or for a room?" She asked us sweetly.

I blinked slowly, "What's an Iris Message?"

"That is just a little something we do." She replied with a wink.

"Err, we'd like two rooms please." I informed her.

"Suites or regular?"

"Regular will be fine."

"AWW MAN!" Keefe said through a whine. I simply roll my eyes.

Fleecy started tapping on her keyboard, "Okay, two regular rooms. Will you want to be next to each other?"

"Ok, you guys are rooms 562 and 563 on the 11th floor. Here is the key cards for the rooms." She handed us the cards and waved goodbye.

We thanked her and made our way to the stairs, but Dex stopped and stared at the elevator.

"What is that?" He says in awe.

"It's basically a box that moves up and down carrying humans.
Fitz raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong with stairs?"

"The elevator is faster," I reply. "Do you want to go on the elevator?"

Dex instantly nods, and Biana shrugs.
"Keefe, Fitz, what about you guys?" I ask. Keefe shrugs and Fitz doesn't look like he wants to, but he was outnumbered so he sighed and nodded a yes.

We entered the elevator with me leading. Once everyone was inside, the doors closed making Biana scream.

"WE'RE TRAPPED! HELPPP!" She said hyperventilating.
"It's ok, this is normal for elevators." I tell her calmly. I glance at Dex to see him pushing all the buttons.

"Uhh, Dex! Now we won't be able to get off for awhile! There's 12 floors and we have to stop at each one!"

"But the buttons light up!" He said excited.

I facepalm.

The elevator starts to move and Keefe slams himself against the wall hands spread across and eyes wide. "IT'S MOVING!"

"Yes... That's what elevators do..."

I turn to see Fitz on the railing crouching low his eyes showing fear.

And they thought humans were weird.

Suddenly the power went out making the elevator stop and the lights go out.

Biana screamed on the top of her lungs.


Everyone started to panic from Keefe's quiet presence, to Biana's constant screaming and Fitz's deep scared breaths, to Dex on the ground in the fetal position, rocking back and forth.
"Guys! It's fine, the generator should come on soon. Just calm down!" I said.


I sigh, "Let's just wait and see."

About ten minutes later, I realized that a generator probably won't be coming on.

Darn old hotel. I walk over to where the elevator buttons are and accidently trip over Dex. "Sorry." I murmur as I felt around for the "help" button. Right as I was about to push it, the electricity came back on making the elevator light up and move upwards.

I sigh of relief.

The door opens on level two making Dex, Fitz, Keefe, and Biana all run out almost tumbling over one another. Keefe drops to the ground kissing it full heartedly.

"I'm going to the stairs!" Fitz announces as he walks over to the stairs with Dex and Biana following, soon Keefe got up and followed also.

"You coming Foster?" Keefe asked.

"Nope. I'm going on the elevator." I run back in and push the 11th button to see their faces in shock.

That was priceless.

I was waiting outside the door from the stairs to see it open revealing some elves.

"T-that took f-forever." Keefe said breathing deeply.

"Hey, your loss not mine." I said smiling. We all laugh at ourselves. We walk over to our rooms, a boy room and a girl room. I hand Fitz one of the key cards and we walk into our rooms. 

Biana and my room was nice and had this antique feel to it. There were two double beds one for each of us. Biana squeals and leaps on the one towards the window, 

"MINE!" she yells happily as she leaps on, collapsing on her back with a sigh of happiness. "Even though this bed isn't nearly as comfortable as the ones in the Elvin world, this isn't too bad."

I smile at Biana as I sat on my own bed. "Well, I'm going to try to sleep."

"I hope you'll actually rest considering the day is big tomorrow." Biana replied smiling as we turned off the lights.

I am one step closer to meeting my parents.

A/N I will hopefully make the ending better. But for now, this will do :)

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