~The one time umbridge did something right~

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Draco's POV:
Saturday morning, 7 am- was this woman on drugs? It was the first Saturday back for the new year and the devil (Umbridge) has decided to make a new tradition. School assemblies at 7 am. She must be out of her mind? Everyone slugged into the dining hall and slumped onto the tables. Some Ravenclaws looked like they still hadn't slept, Hufflepuff was still asleep, Slytherins were all practically dead and death staring people but what surprised me was how annoying Gryffindor could be at this time in the morning. A few of the older ones looked like they'd been out on a morning run, the Weasley twins were drawing on the people who had fallen asleep, the youngest of that atrocity of a family kept on falling asleep and waking up like an annoying wind-up toy. Granger, on the other hand, appeared wide awake and ready for the day with a book in her hands and her ugly face engulfed into it. Potter and the other Weasley were asleep on the table, looking ugly as ever as they slept. God even when he sleeps, I want to kill him.

"Attention, attention." A shrill echoed throughout the hall, waking up the asleep students. I watched as Harry ruffled his ugly excuse of hair and woke up the Weasley next to him. His hair was a mess, his glasses not on straight and his robes were all over the place. How was this boy supposed to be a celebrity looking like that? "Welcome to the first of many morning assemblies in this wonderful school year," Umbridge said while expecting a cheer. A few of the teachers and one or two students clapped in response. "Right then. I have a very important announcement regarding some living arrangements and house changes." She said as she read from a scroll. Everyone's head went up as they looked around in fear. "I feel that it is unsafe to house male and females together, especially at your age, so I shall be making some arrangements." She added. Everyone looked at each other in horror. It would be sad to see the females go in my house, not that I care. You see, I'm gay, or well I think I am something like that. Seeing them go, wouldn't change my life at all, it would actually make it better by not have Pansy hanging off my back every second. "The new houses arrangements will affect everyone. Ravenclaw males will swap with the Hufflepuff females. Slytherin males will swap with Gryffindor females. You will still identify as the house you were sorted in, just not live with them." She announced. My jaw dropped. No fucking way. I will not live with Potter and Weasley for the rest of my time at Hogwarts. "Quiet down! I know this may seem terrible now, but it'll be a chance to make new friends and sort out any long-time rivalries." She shouted over the ruckus. Just wait till my father hears about this! She'll be out on her hideous pink arse before she can even utter my name. "The house elves will be helping you move your stuff to your new allocated bedrooms. You have to be moved in by the end of the day. Assembly is over." She stated before standing down from her podium.

I stormed back into my room and grabbed some parchment.

Dear father,
I want Umbridge fired and removed from any ministry status possible. She is FORCING ME and all the other male Slytherins to move into the Gryffindor dormitory! Other houses are being moved too but that means I'm going to have to be with the Weasleys and stupid Potter. Act quickly.
From Draco.

I attached the note to my owl and off he went into the morning fog. The other Slytherin boys came in all mumbling and groaning about having to sleep in the enemies dormitory. I paid no attention to them, I was too angry. I noticed that they had started to pack and realised that that was a good idea. I wasn't just going to allow some filthy house elf pack up my stuff. Unlike the other boys, a lot of my stuff was already packed away due to privacy and trust issues, so packing was easy. I grabbed my pyjamas, wash bag, towel and few remaining books and placed them in my trunk. Suddenly a group of house elves burst in, great here comes the rubble.
"Master Malfoy, you are packed?" A house elf trembled as he approached me. I nodded. "Of course you are very capable of doing so sir, please excuse me as I have to take off the bed sheets. Would you like to me to do anything else for you, sir?" He rambled to himself.
"No, just make sure that trunk gets up to the rooms in one piece," I said fiercely while moving to stand next to the window. "Yes sir, of course, sir." He quickly said before starting to strip the bed. I watched as he struggled to pull off the sheets in one go. I should help him but my father always told me not to ever help them, not to ever care and not to ever acknowledge them for the good. After forever he took off the sheets and placed them in a basket that had appeared in the middle of the room. Many other elves followed his actions and placed their piles of sheets in there too.
"Master, are you ready to go up to your new dorm?" The elf asked me sheepishly. I nodded and made my way to the door in front of all the other Slytherins and made my way towards the Gryffindor dormitory.

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