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Remus POV:
"They're totally fucking." Sirius muttered as we watched the two boys get off the bus outside our house. Harry was offering to carry Draco's bag causing the blonde to blush.
"Padfoot! I would not like to ever imagine that. Harry said they were just friends." I scolded. "I guess this is like an insight to if James was gay." Sirius' eyes grew wide, obviously not wanted to talk about the idea of prongs being gay. Harry went to knock but Sirius threw the door open before Harry's hand could touch it. He grabbed the boy and engulfed him into a hug, turning Harry's cheeks a deep scarlet. I rolled my eyes and shifted towards the awkward blonde who stood aside timidly. I remember Draco from my lessons and this was the quietest I had ever seen him. "Draco, its nice to see you again." I said politely while holding my hand out to him. His eyes glanced up in fear.
"Thank you uh I mean it's nice to see you again professor. Your house is gorgeous, I love the bush... The uh rose bush at the front." He stuttered. I could tell he was mentally cursing himself for messing up. They're totally dating!

I pulled Sirius off Harry and led all three of them inside. "Oh you must be Draco. I'm Sirius. Yes the Sirius black, escaped from azkaban and done some heroic things,
Sirius black. We're related somehow." Sirius said with a grin. Draco cleared his voice.
"Um yes you're my mothers first cousin. It's nice to meet you, Harry has told me about both of you immensely." He said politely. Sirius looked at me and grinned, defiantly dating. "Draco!" Harry whispered.
"Aw Harry are you proud of your dashing, heroic godfather and his adorable husband?" Sirius gushed. Dracos eyes grew wide and glanced between Sirius and I. How the hell didn't he know we were married? Everyone knows!
"I'm guessing my rooms where it normally is?" Harry sighed, grabbed dracos hand and dragged him up the stairs.
"Totally dating." Sirius and I said in unison.

"Moony, they're terrible at pretending to just be friends. Maybe we should show them how a gay couple truly acts like?" Sirius suggested as I sat down at the kitchen table. A mischievous grin appeared on my face.
"I mean, James and Lily would want us to give guidance to young Harry and set good examples for him." I said.
"Exactly!" Sirius agreed. Our conversation was cut short by another conversation coming from upstairs. I took out my wand and casted a listening spell and the voices flooded the kitchen.

"Harry, you didn't tell me they were gay together!" Draco shrieked.
"Well I said they were close didn't I?" Harry joked, sounding like his father.
"Can't you see? They'll sniff us out! It shocks me that they don't know you're bi already."
"Babe calm down." Harry said, filling my heart with joy and Sirius silently awing. "I'll tell them all in good time. Just act however you want this week. If you wanna kiss me in the middle of dinner then do it! But if you wanna act like friends around them, then I respect that and won't rush you until you're ready." This brought proudness flooding through me. We'd done a good job at making sure Harry had the right view on life and him saying that, confirms we achieved it. We done James and lily proud and I can tell they're probably smiling their faces off right now.

I undone the spell causing Sirius to groan. "They were just about to say I love you!" He said, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Im gonna call them down for some food and drink. This is a good opportunity for us to learn about Harry's boyfriend and show them it's a safe space for them to come out in. Okay and be nice because this is kinda like a meet the parents thing for Draco." I warned Sirius. He nodded obediently. "Boys, come down for some food. You must be hungry after traveling." I shouted up the stairs.
"Should we put some condoms on their bed? Obviously being responsible caring adults to Harry, we want him to be safe. I'm sure I could find a few to spare in our ever shrinking collection." He teased. I shot him the look as the boys entered the kitchen. "Hello, is everything alright up there? I tried cleaning it up as best as I could, but sirius made it into his junk room since Harry's last visit."
"It was the museum of Sirius black! Some people would be lucky to have that in their home." Sirius gasped.
"Yes thank you, it's perfect. Um would you like some help preparing stuff." Draco replied sheepishly. Harry looked slightly shocked at this and so was I. The Draco I taught was never this polite and nice.
"Oh wow! Could you help me prepare the drinks please. Sirius and I will both have coffee. Harry?"
"Hm?" I said snapping him out of his daydreams/stares at Draco.
"What would you like to drink?" Draco said and Harry smiled.
"Do you have any hot chocolate? For Harry, it's his favourite." Draco asked timidly. How the hell did he get that from Harry through a smile? I passed him the box from the cupboard and placed cake on the table.
"Um Professor lupin, how would you like your coffee?" Draco asked. Harry got up to help him make Sirius' drink and carry them back to the table.
"The same way I like my men, black." I purred with a smirk. Sirius looked up from his paper and winked at me.
"Okay no more being gross, children present!" Harry said as he swapped mine and Sirius' drinks around. I hate black coffee.

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