~Group chats with the God Parents~

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A/n: This was requested/encouraged to write by alittlemuggleborn so thank you sooooo much!!!

lil baby Harry: Hey, I wanted to say this in person but I dont know when I'll next see you and I need your advice like super badly. I like a boy...
Reemdog: Omg Harry, we totally accept you and are proud of you for telling us! So are you gay?
The "Sirius" one: Omg this calls for a name change!
*The "Sirius" one changed lil baby Harry's nickname to "Grown-up gay"*
Reemdog: Can we change mine, it makes no sense.
The "Sirius" one: It makes perfect sense!!! A wolf is an angry dog and I've called u Reem since we started dating and u know exactly why
The "Sirius" one: If not, I'll happily remind u ;)
Reemdog: I'm ignoring u now.
The "Sirius" one: Also, back to Harry, spill the beans on the guy!
Grown-up gay: I dont know what I am and I'm super confused :(
Reemdog: Harry, everyone's confused at your age, especially when they find themselves attracted to someone they unexpected. I remember going through exactly what ur going through and it's horrible. You told us you like girls before, is this still true?
Grown-up gay: I think so, but I haven't had a crush on a girl in a while cause I think this guy has sorta filled that spot!
Reemdog: awww, well that's okay! You dont need to label it, just be Harry who's liked girls and has liked boys and who knows what in the future!
The "Sirius" one: Oi Harry, I'm waiting for the beans. SPILL THEM
Grown-up gay: He's extremely attractive and I dont know why I like him apart from that. He isn't exactly someone I know closely so I guess its off looks, which would make this lust? I just want his attention all the time and he makes my heart shake and butterflies to form and I always notice him and he's constantly in my head.
Grown-up gay: I'm just a big bundle of emotions right now :o
The "Sirius " one: ooh someones got a crush! I need names and picture STAT
Reemdog: Sirius! Stop pressuring the kid!
Reemdog: but if u wanna share that, go forth
Grown-up Gay: uh, I'm sorta scared to tell you guys
The "Sirius" one: whyyyyyyy we won't judge. I mean who would've thought I (bad biker boy with a runaway heart, hair to die for and a killer attitude) would end up with moony (soft, adorable 200/10 cuteness and is the living embodiment of a blanket and a cup of tea on a cold day). Not even ur father guessed!
Reemdog: pad, you literally apologise to a tree when you tripped over its roots! Bad boy attitude my arse
The "Sirius" one: They might have feelings. And you wouldn't like it if I tripped over ur toes Grown-up Gay: uh thanks guys for the sorta help. Talking about it helped my chest feel a bit lighter so thanks.
The "Sirius" one: Sorry I went off on my own ramble. Tell us, I promise we won't judge you at all! And as ur local gays, we want to help you.
Grown-up Gay: I just feel like you won't approve of him
Grown-up Gay: Not that you'll ever meet him cause nothings gonna happen between us.
Reemdog: Harry, as long as he's treating u good and ur happy with him, then we'll accept him.
The "Sirius" one: And why would nothing happen? Ur Harry fucking Potter! Both boys and girls will want u!
Grown-up Gay: That's one of the problems, I'm Harry (a word I cannot type in front of u) Potter
The "Sirius" one: Why would that be a problem? I'm lost
Grown-up Gay: Cause I'm hopelessly in love with Draco Malfoy...
Reemdog: IN LOVE?
The "Sirius" one: DRACO MALFOY?
Grown-up Gay: Yh...
Reemdog: I thought it was just a crush or lust, but love!
Reemdog: Harry's in loveeeeeeee
The "Sirius" one: DRACO MALFOY?
Reemdog: Pads, shut up!
The "Sirius" one: But they hate each other?? That's like u and sniveless
Reemdog: Do you remember when we watched Beauty and the beast?
The "Sirius" one: The story that I'm convinced is the straight version of us? yes
Reemdog: Remember in the song it says "Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly"?
The "Sirius" one: Yes (also Harry, Moony just sang that beautifully, like I'm crying)
Reemdog: That's what happened.
Grown-up gay: He still hates me and is straight.
Reemdog: Maybe you should try becoming friends and then try testing the waters slightly, u dont know if he's straight
The "Sirius" one: Do Slytherin's still throw their dungeon parties?
Grown-up gay: Yes, why?
The "Sirius" one: Go, wait till he's drunk and make ur move and then sleep together and then be like oops I guess we could date and boom you'll be married by 20.
Reemdog: Oh god.
Reemdog: Also Sirius, u shouldn't be convincing him to be having underage sex!
The "Sirius" one: Oh come on, u weren't Mr innocent at that age, I remember well
Grown-up gay: I think I'll take Moonys idea and its nice to finally know how u guys got together
Grown-up gay: I'll keep u guys update. Thank u for this and I guess I'm Bi or something so yh. Love u and talk to u soon xxx

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