~Meet the family~

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Warning: homophobic slurs and beating. I'm sorry if that affects you and I don't mind if you don't read this one because of it. Im always here to talk if anyone wants to. Please keep safe.

Harry's POV:
"Are you sure you want to do this." I sighed as I packed my bag. 
"Of course I do. I want to meet the people who kept you in a cupboard and have some words." Draco said while coming out of the bathroom. 
"No words. They already hate me enough. I'm only doing this because I want them to see how successful I am." I said. 
"Ooh someone's acting petty and I love it." Draco purred as he walked up to me. 
"Are you finished packing?" I said after pecking him on the lips. 
"Yes of course. I've packed my Armani weekender bag full of expensive looking clothes and I'm gonna wear my Saint Laurent suit." He listed, taking pride in all the expensive muggle brands he was going to show off. 
"What one?" I asked. 
"The black one obviously." He said with a laugh. I was under an immense amount of stress. It would be the first time I've gone back to the Dursleys since Hogwarts and now I live in a beautiful house with my lawyer/high up in the ministry boyfriend. Draco exited the bathroom in his crease free suit. Fuck he looked impressive. "How do I look?" He asked. 
"Rich, hot, fuckable, impressive... do you want me to carry on?" I said while wrapping my arms around him. 
"Hm no sounds good enough to me, now go finish getting ready, the car will be here to take us to the station soon." He said. I groaned at the travelling ahead of us. We had to take a car ride to Hogsmeade station, then the train to platform 9 and 3/4, then a car is picking us up from Kings Cross Station and driving us all the way to Surrey. 
"I'm excited to see how muggles properly live. I mean you have some muggle things here which I haven't dared to touch but I still use magic for practically everything." Draco said as I fixed my collar. 
"It's pretty boring compared to life with magic. Anyway, how do I look?" I asked with a sigh. "Absolutely perfect." He said while planting a kiss on my lips and flattening my collar even more. A horn from outside informed us that it was time to go and meet the Dursleys.

*time skip to when they're in the car a couple streets away from Privet Drive*

"Oh god, it's a bit bland." Draco said as we passed familiar streets. Everything was outdated here, nothing had changed since I was a child, that's just how everyone lived. 
"Apparently Dudley's still lives there which will be interesting." I sighed as I stared out the window. I could tell we have three more streets to pass before turning left and then left again, it was like a bomb counting down to an explosion. 
"Sirs, do you want me to drop you off specifically outside the house?" The driver said through the window. 
"Yes please and pick us up at the same place Monday morning." I replied. 
"With coffee and pastries?" The driver asked. Draco looked over at me, eyes widened with excitement. 
"That would be fabulous." I said. The car came to a slow in front of the prison of my childhood. You can still see the marks from where the Weasleys tore the bars off from my window. Shivers ran down my spine as I saw Petunia staring out from the window. The door opened and I got out of the car and onto the dreaded street. I saw my aunt gasp and beckon for my uncle to come to the window. Draco stepped out the car and went into what he called his 'model mode'. Which basically meant, bratty, extra, posh and topped off with a specific walk which made me roll my eyes. The driver passed us our bags and was off before we got to the front door, which instantly opened.

There was no welcoming hugs and kisses, not even a hello as I walked into the house. Nothing had changed from what I could see, still the same ugly colours. At the end of the hallway, I could see Vernon and and Dudley staring at Draco and I from the kitchen table. 
"Is that the..." Draco whispered as he stared at the cupboard below the stairs. 
"Yup. Home sweet home." I replied. 
"You ready?" He asked. 
"Readier than ever." I whispered back before walking down the hallway. 
"Harry." Vernon said as I entered the kitchen. 
"Uncle vernon, Dudley." I replied coldly to the people at the table. Dudley had grown to be an even uglier version of his father. He was abnormally fat, greasy and covered in adolescent like spots. 
"Harry, um you haven't introduced us to your...friend." Petunia said in her sickeningly over sweet voice. 
"This is my boyfriend, Draco. Draco Malfoy." I said sternly. 
"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you." She replied. 
"Hm." Draco hummed without showing any emotion. 
"Um Harry, you remember where your old room was right? We've put in an extra makeshift bed on the floor for your... friend." Petunia said to break the silence. 
"You fit an extra mattress under the stairs. Wow maybe you did inherit some magic!" I sarcastically exclaimed. 
"Harry." Vernon growled. 
"Yes uncle Vernon?" I said sweetly. 
"Don't push it boy, we can still whack you one." He threatened. I knew this was an empty threat, as it seemed he couldn't get out of that chair without risking a heart attack. 
"I wouldn't dare. And I'm sure neither would you as I'm officially allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts now." I said in an over sweet accent before grabbing dracos hand and leading him to the stairs.

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