~The Polyjuice Incidents~

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Harry and ron quickly walked down the dungeons, knowing that their new personas would wear off soon. 
"Mate, shouldn't we wait for Hermione?" Ron asked, glancing back a the stone corridor. Harry shook his head.
"This stuff doesnt last for long, we cant risk it. Harry replied, picking up his pace till he was at the Slytherin portrait. Luckily for them, a first year had just opened it, so they could easily slip inside. Lounging in one of the gigantic armchairs was their target, Draco Malfoy. 

"Ah Crabbe, Goyle, i was wondering when you'd finally peel yourself away from the cakes you were scoffing at alarming rates." Draco said before facing away to walk into the bedrooms.
"Even when he's with his friends, he's still an absoloute git!" Ron whispered to Harry. The boys followed Draco like the small minded servents they were pretending to be. 
"So Draco, what about this whole heir of slytherin stuff then?" Harry said carefully, making sure his voice sounded just right. Draco who had been reading a newspaper, flung it aside and sighed. He saw Rons eyes go wide as he read the headline about his father and the car incident they'd got him in trouble for. 
"I couldnt care less." Draco replied, snapping both boys attention back to Draco and surprising them immensly. Where was the confessions about his evil plans for the chamber of secrets? He just didnt care? Something must be up with Draco!
"Wait what?" Ron stuttered, casuing Harry to elbow him in the side. Draco's eyes narrowed on them, wandering what was up with his... acquaintances. 
"I think Crabbe means that this would be something your interested in cause the dark lord and the heir of slytherin and that." Harry quickly added, hopefully saving their arses. Dracos face returned to normal.
"Well its obviously not me, even though that'd be a lovely title. I get why you'd think that though, as i am like royalty in this house!" He said vainly, annoying the others. "Its more likely to be Harry, as he could talk to the snake and stuff. I hope not though!" Harry was extremely shocked. Draco calld him Harry, not Potter and didnt want him to be some evil mastermind. Did Hermione turn into Draco just to fuck with them?
"Why do you look so surprised? I dont wanna date an evil mastermind. I've had enough of them and they really annoy me. If i did wanna date one, I'd hit up Voldemort!" Draco said with a laugh. Both Harry and Ron were so surpirsed they didn't know what to say. Draco just rolled his eyes and walked off, thinking this was his friends were in some form of food coma. The only thing snapping the boys out of their daze was the fact that Crabbe now had ginger highlights and Goyle was developing a rather famous scar on his forehead. They ran out of the common room, ignoring Draco's protests that they were leaving and ran straight back to their own common room.

"Hey, what happened?" Hermione asked as she saw the two traumatised boys run into the pratically empty common room. 
"What happened with us? What about with you?" Ron replied as he pratically passed out on the floor from the running. 
"Turns out Pansy has a cat and coughing up hairballs really hurts." Hermione said, shuddering at the horrors she'd encountered. The boys didnt even laugh, which worried her on what they had found out.
"Im gonna guess Malfoy is the heir of slytherin with that look on your face." She said. Ron shook his head and Harry stared into the fire, wandering if he should jump into it. 
"Nope, doesnt care about it at all. In fact, he thought Harry was it due to the snake incident but hopes its not him cause... well he likes him. He likes likes him." Ron replied akwardly. Harry tried to drown it out so he could start forgetting about it, but for some reason he couldnt. Draco Malfoy likes him and Harry doesnt know how to feel about it.

*Welcome to another time skip, hope you enjoy fast forwarding time with us!*

Harrys mind had been all over the place since that night. Thankfully his friends were too shocked to talk about it and since then, any attempt to bring it up has been instantly shut down by Harry. He was a mess of emotions. His nights were sleepless, his days were distracted. Draco Malfoy had broken him. He'd recived a note from Ginny to meet him in the Hallway of armour and Harry was hoping he'dd develope some feelings towards her to get Draco off his mind. 

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