~Yule ball~

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a/n: This isn't accurate to the book/film sorry if that annoys you!

The entire Gryffindor and Slytherin houses slowly trickled into a cleared out hall at the back of the school. Everyone knew what this was and dreading this with pure passion. Harry was being pulled in by a grumpy Hermione, who was ranting about precious lesson time being wasted over some stupid dancing. Harry couldn't agree more, except not the lesson time bit. This was precious time that could've been used for preparation for the triwizard tournament. If he died, he would somehow blame the school for teaching him to dance instead of killing dragons!

Draco on the other hand didn't mind missing potions, except for the fact that this wont change the boredom he would've felt in the lesson. He knew what was going to be taught today as he learnt it months ago and he already knew how to dance, due to many Malfoy balls and agonising dances with elder relatives and potential wives. He knew all the different steps, how to hold his body and ensure that he was the highlight of the night. So to him, this was pointless.

Professor McGonagall took centre stage and the entire hall instantly went silent. "Good afternoon, today I have dragged you away from lessons to teach you the art of ballroom dancing for the upcoming Yule ball!" She said with a hint of excitement no one had ever heard from her before. The only response was from Fred and George who whooped before falling into fits of laughter. "Right thank you the enthusiasm boys!" She said sternly before retuning to her original happy tone. "First of all, I would like you to pick a partner, presumably someone you shall dance with on the night of the ball and do what you would consider ball room dancing." She said before stepping to the side. Fred and George instantly jumped towards each other and spun round the room, sometimes attempting the lift each other in the air in delicate poses before partnering up with girls in their year. Draco walked over to pansy, knowing that she had significant knowledge of how to dance like a lot of richer Slytherins and knew she wouldn't show him up.
"My dear Parkinson, we appear to have been partnered again. Remember how to spin this time." He said cooly as he held out his hand to his companion. She looked at him and scowled.
"Dracoooo! You knew I was going to try and ask you know who to dance with me!" She whined before reluctantly taking his hand. She had to admit, they were a good team.
"Voldemort's never struck me as a dancer. But I guess the man had to have hobbies for eleven years before turning onto potter." Draco said with a smirk before pulling pansy into position and waiting for the next beat.
"You know who I'm on about! Plus I didn't know you shared so much in common with Voldy?" She replied, mirroring his now faded smirk before twirling elegantly.
"Well it appears you little crush has completely ignored you and gone with someone they actually like!" He spat before picking up the pace of the dance.

Harry on the other hand was awkwardly swaying with Ginny on the other side of the hall. He heard Malfoy pass him and sneer slightly at his inadequate dancing skills. Ginny on the other hand was sweet about it, trying to teach Harry where to place his arms and hold himself so he looks proper and not like a confused deer on ice. It didn't help that malfoy was elegantly dancing with pansy on the other side of the hall, like he could do this in his sleep or the fact that even an embarrassed Ron had managed to dance with Hermione successfully.

Suddenly the music stopped and the students awkwardly shuffled away from their partners.
"Right then." McGonagall started. "For some of you, that was a real showcase of your talents and I am simply blown away." She said while glancing at Draco and Pansy. "However for others, it um was an interesting take on ballroom dancing." She added while glancing at a blushing Harry. After a small class of tips and tricks, she dismissed the class, only holding back two students; Harry and Draco.
"Mr malfoy, you have quite the talent at ballroom dancing. I've never seen anyone else as good as that was!" She complimented him, leaving him smiling and looking superior and harry scowling. "Mr potter on the other hand, I could see was making an effort but it won't be good enough for a competitor. So to sort this out, Draco is going to teach you how to dance-"
"WHAT NO!" Both boys shouted, making the professor scowl at them.
"Yes. After dinner everyday, including today, you must go to the room of requirements. As soon as you are both in, it won't let you out for an hour. I hope you will use this time wisely and I see improvement on the night." She replied before leaving the hall. The two enemies stood and scowled at each other, processing what had just been said.
"Right, well there's no way we can get out this so wear something dressier than these things and wear good dancing shoes. And when I say don't be late, I mean as soon you swallow your food, you run to the room of requirements and hope I'm not there before you." He threatened before walking out. Harry stood there for a moment, overcome by shock and the wobbliness of his knees; what the fuck just happened?

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