~The Potion~

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Harry like all the other people in his potion class was staring at the pearlescent liquid they had just been handed. Dumbledore had chosen Harrys class to do an experiment on, where each student will drink a potion, allowing them to talk to their soulmate. Each student will have to keep an updated diary on any progressions that happen and all results will be handed back to Dumbledore. Overall, Dumbledore was bored! Harry stared at the potion. Today he'd talk to his future wife, his true love, his soulmate and that scared him.
"Okay you can drink it!" Dumbledore said excitedly. Snape on the other hand was scowling, annoyed this was taking time out of his lesson. Harry lifted the glass to his lips and downed the sweet tasting liquid. His body felt warm and fuzzy and a surge of excitement coursed through him. However, he heard no voices in his head. He turned to his classmates and saw some of them looking at each other in excitement and hugging. Ron and Hermione were obviously soulmates, Dean and seamus were hugging it out in the corner and Lavender was crying next to an awkward looking Neville. Others looked as they were in another world as voices filled their heads, but Harrys was still silence. Maybe he doesnt have a soulmate?

"Hello?" A voice filled his head and he gasped, causing Hermione and Ron to look at him quizzingly.
"Um hi, you must be my soulmate." Harry replied.
"Yup and you must be mine, so whats your name?" The voice asked. Wait a second... was the voice male? Harry ran up to Dumbledore at the front, who's eyes were sparkling with excitement.
"Ah Harry, have you heard your soulmate yet?" He asked excitedly, eyes all twinkly and wide.
"Yes but i think theres something wrong with the potion you gave me." Harry replied. Dumbledore looked at him confused and got out his notebook.
"The voice is male and i dont like boys, i only like girls." Dumbledore looked at Harry with sad eyes.
"Harry, the potion never lies, you like boys. But there is nothing wrong with it and it should be something you should embrace. Please do not dismiss it as your soulmate is the one you're meant to be with." Dumbledore said. Harry sighed. nodded and thanked him.
"Hey you still there?" The voice said, startling Harry.
"Uh hey, sorry i was talking to someone." Harry replied.
"So whats your name?"
"Harry Potter, yours

"Hey mate, who's your soulmate, mines 'Mione!" Ron said excitedly as he bundled up to Harry like an exciteable puppy.
"Hey Congrats!" Harry said excitebly. "And i dont know, they havent told me their name yet." Harry replied.
"Well whoever Malfoy has, has not made him happy." Ron laughed. Harrys eyes drfited over to Draco, who was sitting at his desk with his head down, furiously picking at the wood. He turned around and caught Harry staring at him and shouted,
"What are you staring at Potter?!" Before dramatically leaving.
"Come on, lets head back to the common room as we have to write up the first report." Hermione said as she wrapped her hand into Rons.

Harry fllopped down onto the bed and tried to talk to his soulmate again.
"You never told me what your name is?"
"You wouldn't like it." The voice instantly returned.
"Did you know you were gay?" Harry asked, still confused over his own sexuality.
"Yes, but i wasnt expecting you to be my soulmate." He replied.
"I dont like guys so i have no clue why i have you. Frankly, i was expecting a girl." Harry sighed.
"I won't take offence but I have been told i can have very feminine moments if that helps. Plus obviously you must like guys too or your soulmate would've been a girl." The voice sounded familiar to Harry, but he couldnt pin point who it was and what males he could be the slightest bit interested in. He led in silence, his mind raking through the different boys in their year, but none of them stood out to him. Maybe he should ask Dean or Seamus how they knew, but then he'd be revealing himself to them, which he didnt want.
"So how did you know you liked boys?" Harry slowly asked.
"I met up with this family friend of ours and liked what i saw." The soulmate simply replied. It was that simple? Harry hadn't even found it that easy when deciding if he liked a girl!
"Have you ever been with a guy?"
"Romantically? Nope. Sexually? Nah unless you count making out with that family friend a couple times over one summer.
" Harry was impressed even if his soulmate didnt seem like it was much of a big deal.
"Can i meet you?" Harry asked, his mind racked with questions he longed to asked.
"No!" The voice said loudly back, scaring Harry. "Not yet anyway."

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