~Backpacking 4~

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A/N: Welcome back I'm gonna time skip from the last bit cause nearly at 10k words (13 pages on word). This could've been a separate fic but its too late now! (it's going to be uploaded onto a separate fic after I upload it on here) NOW IT'S THE NEXT NIGHT AND ITS STAKEOUT TIME AND ITS DAY 10 SO NOT LONG TO GO WHOOOP

"Snap!" Draco said as he picked up the pile of cards.
"I regret teaching you muggle card games." Harry sighed after losing his third game of snap. Stakeout was extremely boring tonight. Harry looked back through his lens at the normally busy storage unit. Over the past few days, it had been reported to be extremely busy but today it was silent.
"There's nothing happening, even I can see that without the camera," Draco said blandly as he set out his cards to attempt to play a wizard card game with them.
"It's too quiet, I feel like somethings up," Harry replied as he looked at the area around him.
"I know one thing that could be up," Draco said suggestively, making Harry snort.
"How about you spend your time working on your terrible seduction lines, while I do some work."
"I can be very seductive, and you know it," Draco replied, starring Harry in his eyes.
"Nah, I think of pictures of Voldemort when we do it to get things going," Harry said, making Draco roll his eyes. Harry groaned as he sat down again on the stupid plastic chair, he was bored silly,
"This is bullshit." Harry laughed, feeling insane from boredom.
"Let's just go back to the room and chill. I want to listen to your gay bops again!" Draco sighed, fed up with the cards.
"You know where my phone is, and you know what my password is, go listen to them yourself." Draco rolled his eyes but got up anyway, knowing that there was nothing better to do. "I'm gonna go grab some headphones, take up smoking and have sex with every guy I see."
"Alright, wear a condom though cause I hate STD's!" Harry replied.
"Hm maybe for the first few."

Draco tried to open the door at the top of the stairs, but it stuck. Just what he needed right now. Harshly, he tugged on it harder, feeling something up against the other side.
"Harry, come and use your auror strength to open the door, something's stuck on the other side," Draco shouted. Harry glanced anxiously down his camera lens, deciding if it was worth it to get up. The stray cat he was staring at suspiciously probably wouldn't move in the few seconds he would be gone. When he got to the door, he pulled on it harshly, unable to open it. Then he remembered what both Draco and Harry were (gay); wizards.
"Did you forget that you're a wizard?" Harry laughed as he fumbled around for his wand.
"Oh shit, I haven't used magic in over a week, so I forgot!" Draco replied as he blushed at his mistake. Harry just shook his head in reply.
"Alohomora." Suddenly the door blasted open and a bright light blinded the two men. A surge of bodies flooded through the light, they were under attack. Harry, who had been trained for situations like this, instantly shot up.
"Get to the med bag and stay behind me. Don't let go of your wand, remember your training." He instructed as he began to gauge the situation. Quick as a fox, he began shooting curses at those coming at him, deflecting the ones coming his and Draco's way. Draco looked around frantically, this was very unlike the simulators he was put through. Over the flood of German and curses, Draco tried to shout for Harry but was silenced by someone's hand clasping over his mouth. Fuck. Desperately, he tried to kick back and throw himself against his assailant to no avail.
"Stand down!" The person said. It was a sweet feminine voice that reminded Draco of a mother. He tried to snap his head around, only catching a glance of auburn hair. Was he about to be kidnapped by Ginny Weasley? The swarm of attackers stood down and walked to block off the perimeter, leaving Harry in the middle. With wide eyes, trying his hardest not to show his fear, but on the inside, he felt sick. Draco, strong, beautiful, dangerous Draco, looked as fearful as ever. A woman's hand with long red nails clasped against his face, her nails digging into his cheek and drawing blood. He looked so pale, he was almost translucent. A curse hit into the side of Harry, making him fall onto the hard concrete floor. Draco screamed into the woman's hand, struggling to try and slip out of her harsh clasp.
"Stop it or we'll do it again. I don't care for him Draco, I care for you." She murmured sweetly into his ear. He stared at the ground coldly, it wasn't as if he hadn't had this happen before. Like a fire spreading, an old feeling surged through him. Ice cold restrained and control, he turned his head to the woman. She stared back into his eyes and slowly removed her hand away from his mouth. Then it clicked, he knew who this was.
"Ah my dear Felicity, how's Alistair?" He said coolly, snapping Harry up off the ground. Draco knew her and seemed to know her well. Felicity smirked,
"So you remember me Draco?"
"Of course, I was supposed to marry you," Draco replied, trying to act as if he was staring into the face of someone he actually liked. He had always detested Felicity. Her family, the Adams, made the Malfoys look humble. They acted as if they were royalty and that Felicity marrying Draco would be a step up for the Malfoys when really it was the other way round. Like many of the families, once they realised the Malfoys were affiliated with Voldemort, they accidentally lost their invitations to balls or misplaced their address book.
"It appears that you would be more interested in my dear brother Ali, than me," she chuckled, referencing to Harry who had his wand pointed directly to Draco. "Go ahead dear, I'll just throw your dear little dracky in front of me." Draco looked at Harry and shook his head.
"Always were one for power and money, I'm not surprised you became Harry Potters little gold digger." Draco rolled his eyes,
"What do you want Fel?"
"You." She simply replied, running her razor-sharp nails across his pearlescent skin, leaving faint red lines till they reached a hickey. "Ooh someone's been naughty." She giggled like a child. Draco's jaw tensed, and he stared at her with a look Harry hadn't seen since Hogwarts. A cold, dark look of pure hatred.
"Well if you hadn't got the message, I don't do women."
"Oh, trust me, my people have noticed. But I'm over that my dearest one, I'm sure we could come to some agreement about that later. I want you to join me, Co-partner the righteous ones." She proposed. Harry stared at her in disgust, his eyes flicking to Draco who appeared to be considering it. He felt a gut-wrenching spasm of pain wrack his body at the betrayal. He wouldn't join them... would he? Draco couldn't look at Harry, he knew what he was thinking and hated the idea. Does he agree, become a double agent and keep Harry safe, or say no and risk both of their deaths.
"Come on Draco, you always wanted to be in Voldemort's position. The idea of being in charge, always excited you." She tempted.
"I'm going to need some time to think about it." He choked. Harry was seeing red as he stared at the boy he had given everything to in the past 10 days. How could someone be so two-faced?
"Sorry sweety, time isn't something I can offer. But wealth and power that you can't even dream about, I can give to you in seconds."
"No!" She interrupted, tightening her grip on Draco's arm. Harry saw a trickle of blood trail down Draco's skin.
"Let me talk to him. He at least deserves a kind break up?" Draco bargained, smiling deviously at Felicity. She hummed in approval and let him go.
"Don't make me regret this."

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