Get to know me Tag

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Ok so, ashadymotel tagged me for this so well, i'm doing it.
Like she said, i think it's important to know the "writer" (if i can call myself that) behind his writings.
I'll start now :)

{september 2nd 2018, i'm just updating this in case someone cares}

1- What is your real name?
You already know that because i put it at the end of my one shots but, hello, my real name is Manon. I actually like my name even though it's not original or something.

2- How old are you ?
Yeah I'm 16 now

3- Where do you live ?
I live in France. Near Aix-En-Provence in a little town (but i think it's more of a village) called "Bouc-Bel-Air". I know 😂 what a weird name is that? The worst is, our "mascotte" is a goat (because "bouc" means male goat)

4- Write something on your mother language.
Je me préoccupe plus de la vie amoureuse de personnages fictifs que de la mienne (translation: I pay more attention to the love life of fictional characters than to my own)
But I can write stuff like "vin" (wine), "fromage" (cheese) and "baguette de pain" (bread) if we want to stay in the French cliché ^^

5- How tall are you ?
I mesure 1.70 cm or maybe 1.69 i'm not 100% sure.
I'm pretty tall for my age I guess because people that don't know me always think that I'm 18 or higher. But maybe that's my face that give that impression. Anywayyyy to the next point --->

6- What is the first thing you notice about people ?
Ok so it might sound weird but I guess it's their hair color. Or anything hair related. I think it's because i know lots of people now and the best way to recognize them directly is by remembering their hair style (you see what I mean ?) . But the eyes come right after for sure.

7- How would you describe your fashion sense?
Ohlala. I would love to answer but i don't have any fashion sense. I look at a shirt, jeans and shoes. If i like them i'll always wear them until i'm sick of it and that goes on and on. I'm just this girl that wears overalls and looks like a farmer

8- What are you two biggest obsessions?
Generally, i'm not an obsessive person but when i am, I REALLY AM! (Wow didn't mean to scare you there). So, obsession number 1: Tv shows in general. When i like a Tv show, you can be sure that for weeks (or months or years!) i'm gonna go on and on on "how great he is" "how the actors are amazing" and stuff like that. Which is pretty annoying to most of my friends but, heh that's me.
And for obsession number 2 i would say hum.. 
Well it's not really an obsession but i can be very annoying if I want with it so... It's French in general.
See, I've been raise by a family that don't really allow grammar mistakes or stuff like this (not like a dictator family but i've always been corrected whenever i did one) so now i'm the person who corrects everyone (oral and writing, mostly writing because people make so many mistakes! )
In french, there is this mistake that lots of people make which is saying "Si j'aurais su" instead of "Si j'avais su". I don't really know how to explain it but it's like someone said "He have" all the freaking time!
Of course i don't judge because French is a very though language and it's normal to make mistakes (heh i'm not perfect either) but when French is your main language I think one of the normal thing is to learn it properly and listen to your grammar classes if you need it!
Sorry that was long! (Please don't thing I'm uptight because of this question 🙏🏻)

9- What is your favorite animal?
Ohhh, hard one but i'd say dog. (How original i know!) I have three dogs at home and i love them veryy much. (They're just sooo cute and fluffy!)
Actually i adore cats too

 (They're just sooo cute and fluffy!) Actually i adore cats too

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