Nothing but Trouble...

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Hi, I'm Lexa. I'm 17 and I'm not like normal teenage girls. Most of them like One Direction, Austin Mahone, or that Justin Bieber dude. I on the other hand love Reba, Bucky Covington, Hot Chelle Rae, etc.. I have to admit, Justin is really good looking.. but hes just trouble. I want a good guy. maybe...

"OMG LEX LISTEN TO THIS!!" my bestfriend Cassie ran up to me at school screaming. Shes so embarrassing sometimes..

"What is it stupid?" I responded.

"AGHH ITS JUSTINS NEW-" I stopped her with my hand and opened my locker.. "Bae.. you know I dont care" we are the weird kind of friends that will literally call eachother Bae, babe, etc.. with no legit meaning.

"But Lex.." she started. . I just looked at her with no emotion. "pleaseeeee listen" she continued and gave me her puppydog eyes. I sighed and shut my locker. "fine" I said "give me your earphones" I was starting to get annoyed with her obsession over him. shes constantly talking about him and telling my useless info about him. but shes my bestfriend and I love her soo.. I suck it up and listen.

"not bad." I say after listening to the new song Broken. "See I told you!" she started dancing around like an idiot. "Why are you so weird? amd why are we friends?" I questioned. "Because you loooooooove mehh!" she amswered. "right.. right" I nodded in agreement.

"soo..." Cassie nudged me and gave me a weird look as we walked to Gym. "So what?" I asked as if I didnt know what she was getting ready to say.

"Uhh you irritate me! You know exactly what I'm going to say so just tell me.. Whats up with you and Mr. cutie?" I blushed and turned the corner.. "umm i dont know. nothing really why?" she laughed very loud then in an instant had a dead serious look in her eyes and stared at me, somehow managing to miss every other person walking down the hallway. "Lex. I'm being serious. tell me. now. whats up with yall!?" she just wouldnt give up. "Nothing" I giggled "we're just.. talking thats all" "ohhhh.. taaalking" she winked and smirked. "yup. thats all" I walked into the locker room to change. once again, like always, we were the last because we were late. "so what were ya talkin about boo?" she questioned as she put on her gym shirt. "umm.. well, we just had a normal convo. he said 'hi' I said 'whats up?' he said something bout a girl he liked who was very cute and-" .. "WHAT!??" Cassie screamed loud enough for everyone to hear.. I fidgeted at my ear, making sure I could still hear. "Dear Lord bae.. what are you whating me for!?" "HE SAID A 'GIIIRRRLL' HE 'LIIIIKEEES' AND THINKS IS 'CUUUUUTEEE'!!" she did a whole bunch of arm motions as she spoke. "Yeah.. and IIIIII SAID COOOOOOL HOW NIIICE!?.. your point for exploding my eardrums?" "youre so stupid and clueless!" she said to me in a monotone voice. what are you talking about?" I replied as I put on my deodorant and locked up my gym locker. She turned to me as we walked out. "Well hes obviously talking about you!" I rolled my eyes in disbelief. "what makes you think that? hes probably talking about Hannah, Sarah, or one of the other cute cheerleaders." she huffed and spoke more seriously "Look, Lex.. you know in all reality you are gorg.. and funny. and we all know JC isnt like that." I knew she was right. although hes a kinda famous guy and really goodlooking, hes also really sweet and not a total douche. "yeah I guess. I still dont think hes talking about me though." I said as we walked into the gym.

"Look who's late.. again?" said Coach Watkins. He was our annoying gym teacher. "Yeah yeah we know" Cassie snapped. "I'm afraid this time I'm going to have to give you detetion!" he said trying to hide his smirk. I glared at him. "whatever. when is it?" I was already annoyed. he handed us a slip that said 'Friday @ 3:00. Mrs. Johnson's Room' "Great" Cassie said "Mrs. Johnson! I cant stand her!" she continued. "me either bae. but we have nothing better to do." "so true" finally after gym, we headed back to the locker room. "so I heard the two babies got detention" I heard an annoying, yet familiar voice say. "What do you want Megan?" Cassie spat. she snapped her head to Cassie. "ew. why would I want anything from you?" she looked Cassie up and down. Cassie went towards her but I made her stop. "Listen Megan.." I started "we dont like you or your little b-.. I mean.. friends" I smiled sweetly but fake. "excuse you sweety, but we sont want you to like us. youre.. basic." I glared at her. "dont you have something better to do than talk crap to us?" she scoffed "ofcourse I do, but you on the other hand.. have nothin better to do than listen to it. so I figured id give you something to do and come talk to ya." "well youre not wanted" Cassie interrupted. "cmon lets go" I said to Cassie. we walked out of the locker room and she went off. "UGH I HATE THAT LITTLE -" "Cassie. . calm" I said before she said it a little too loud. "Seriously though. you know I'm right" "true, but still I dont know that- OUCH!" by this time I was on the ground. I dont even know what happened.

A/N: okay guys idek if theres actually people reading, and or enjoying this book. should I continue or nahh? lol comment and lemme know plzz♥♥

"OMG I'M SO SORRY!" I almost screamed when I saw who it was. "Ahh.. no problem darlin'. it was my fault." that southern accent could just make you melt.. "Haha" I giggled when he called me darlin'. "I really am sorry though.." I added. "No really.. it was my fault. I wasnt paying attention." he smiled, and I thought I was goig to die. "well.. I have to get going so I can catch the bus. hit me up?" he said. by this time I was freakin out on the inside, but on the outside I was like "haha yeah, okay." we said our goodbyes, and Cassie decided to drag me out to her car. "OMG LEX DID YOY JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENED!?" she screamed as we got in. "no I totally wasnt there for that stupid." "HE SAID TO HIT HIM UP LEX OMG OMG!" "yeah I know.. should I?" I asked. "well you ain't gonna get my bae Bieber because I know you think hes fine as -.." "yeah Cassie I know.. I know. your bae not mine."

We finally got to my house, and walked up to my room. mom was still at work. I dont really know my dad, but i could honestly not care less.. I dont want a dad. dad = siblings. ew. we went up to my room and she ofcourse turned on some JB. we were jammin out to 'Baby' Cassie started crying because Justin is turning 20 in a day.. ofcourse I cried too.. not because I like him. no no. umm. just because I hate seeing her cry. I deffinately dont like him. or do I? I still think hes nothing but trouble.. I dont even know. but I do know.. Cass cant find out.

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