Sometimes Ya Gotta Give A Little

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A/N: I'm changing that guys character that Lex 'likes' to JC! As in. JC Caylen. If you dont lnow who that is look it up bc you wont regret it. Okay love you guys!

It was the day after I told Justin I had another guy in mind. I was watching tv and cooking. Probably not a good combination considering I burnt myself like 3 times. Suddenly I felt arms around my waist which caused me to jump and again. Burn myself.

"OUCH!" I screamed because this time it got me good. "Oh. God. Lex are you okay!?" I turned around to face.. Justin? But not Justin Justin. Justin as in. "JC!?" I screamed. "Yeah. Now are you okay!?" He asked looking around for something. "Yeah I'm fine. Why are you here? How'd you get in? Should I stab you now? Like are you gonna try to rob me or?" He let out a giggle and brush his hand through his hair like he always does. Man is he goodlookin or what. (He realllyyyy is). "No no need to kill me. I just came to hang out. If that's okay?" He kinda smirked. I couldn't help but smile and I felt myself blush. I bit my lip to try and keep from smiling like an idiot. "Haha it's fine. What'd ya wanna do?" He looked around. "Wanna watch tv. Or go for a walk? It's such a pretty day." He was looking out the window. I took the chance to admire his face. His eyes, his flipping cheeks!! His smile, teeth, those eyebrows... everything about him is attractive. I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him chuckle. "Hey. Leeeexxx.." He was waving his hand infront of my face. I hadn't realized I was still staring or that he had turned to look at me and he also knew I was staring. "Come on. Lets go." He said and smiled. I grabbed my phone and keys and walked out. We took off walking down the street. There were so many people out today. Everyone was smiling and laughing. Except this one guy. He was just sitting there. He had raggidy old clothes on. He looked like he had been crying. I came I an abrupt stop and JC stopped too. I bent down to face the man. "Hello? Sir?" He looked up at me. "Why hello there young lady." "If you don't mind me asking. Are you homeless?" He looked over at JC and back to me. "Yes. Unfortunately I am." I looked over at JC. I reach into my back pocket of my short shorts and pulled out some cash. "Here take this. I don't need it. It's just being a burden." "Whaa?? How much is here? You don't have to. I don't wanna take your money like this. I've done nothing to earn this. I smiled. "It's no big deal. I definitely do not need that money. It's just in my way. I have nothing to spend it on. It's $150.00 I think. Get a hotel and something good to eat. Have a good day." I smiled and started walking away with JC. "Thank you again young lady!" I heard the man shout. I turned around with a smile and waved. "Welcome. Have a good day!" "You too!" I continued smiling and turned around starting to walk again. I felt JC staring at me. "Haha what!?" I asked. He laughed and looked at me. My heart began to race when I felt his hand touch mine. I thought it was going to pop out of my chest when his fingers interlocked with mine. I turned my head to the side so he couldn't see me flip out as much. I quickly snapchatted a pic of our hands to Cassie. I slid my phone back into my pocket. I looked at him. "Tell me why you were creepin!!??" I asked. He chuckled again and said "you're so generous and just so kind hearted." "Sometimes ya just gotta give a little. It was no big deal." "Well I know you're not rich because you've told me before. So how'd you get all that money? Did you rob a bank? Should I stab you now? Haha" "yeah totally. I most definitely robbed a bank JC." He snapped his fingers. "I knew you were too good to be true. I knew there had to be something wrong with you." I smacked his arm lightly and laughed with him. "Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. I just had it saved up from birthdays and stuff." He rolled his eyes. "Suuuure ya did." Then he pretended to be whispering to himself but said just loud enough for me to hear him. "Thief" I stopped and looked at him. I couldn't help but smile. I was biting my tongue like Justin does when e tries not to laugh. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. He tried so hard not to laugh too. Suddenly we both burst out laughing. "Oh my God we're too much." I said. "Yes yes we are." He said. We started walking again and he locked his fingers in mine again. We kept walking. I don't know how far we've walked but I don't care. "Maybe we should start walking back..?" JC said. "Yeah maybe." I agreed looking around. It looked like it was about to start raining and we didn't know how far we were from the house. We turned around and started to head back. About 10min later I felt something on my head. "Oh no." I looked at JC. He now looked worried. "What...?" "It's raining." I said looking up at the sky. "No no my hair no!!!" JC screamed. I laughed because he's an idiot. The rain starting getting harder so we picked up the pace. Suddenly it was thundering to and the rain was pounding us. We started running. JC grabbed my hand and pulled me the rest of the way because I suck and yeahhhh. We finally reached my house. We walked up on to the porch and sat down on the swing. We sat there for a minute and then both started laughing. I don't know what's always so funny about everything but we always seem to be laughing. He looked at me. "Hey umm. Lex?" "yeah?" I said. "I umm. Haha. I really like you.. and umm I was wondering if you would. Uhh... this is more of a struggle then I thought and I don't know why. Will you umm go.. " I cut him off and kissed him. It took a minute but he finally decided to start kissing back. This kiss lasted a while. We finally pulled apart and he smiled. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he finally managed to spit out. I bit my lip an smiled. "Yes!" I kinda shouted. He cupped my cheek and kissed me again. A few minutes later while still kissing I heard someone clear their throat. I looked over at him. He had his head down... "Who's this?..." he said.

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