Its Him.

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A/N: who followed her!? Idk. We'll have to see.

I stared at my screen in awe. Not only has he tweeted me, but now he's following me!? I'm going to sleep. This is all a nightmare. Ughh. I got comfy and drifted into sleep.

I woke up smiling. I jumped when I saw Cassie sitting on my bed beside me. "Dream good?" She asked. I rubbed my eyes and turned to face her. "Huh?" "Well you were smiling. I figured you dreamed good.." She stated. "Oh." Was all I said. "So did you?" She asked. "Did I what?" "Ughh did you dream good you moron!?" She was irritated. I just giggled and got out of my bed. "I guess. I don't really rememeber." "Sure." She said as I walked into my bathroom to get cleaned up. When I walked back out she was listening to 'Slow Up' by Justin. I laid down and closed my eyes knowing I wouldn't go back to sleep with her here.

~ 'I want to welcome a very special guest up onstage tonight. You all may have seen the tweet I tagged her in. Well she's special to me. She just.. Doesn't know it yet. But now she will.. Alexa. Can you come up here please?' I walked up to the stage led by Alfredo. I was confused an totally taken back by what was happening. How does he even know me? What does he mean I'm special to him? What's going on?

'Umm. Hello.' I spoke still unsure of what was going on.

'Hi. -he cleared his throat- so umm. I've known you for a while now.'

'No you haven't.' I suddenly blurted. Then got embarrassed because I noticed everyone could hear me through his mic. He just chuckled.

'Yes I have. You just didn't know.' He smiled. I was a little frightened. 'So like. Have you been stalking me or nah?' He scratched the back of his head. 'I guess. Do you really not remember me?..' He looked sad. What does he mean remember him? Then it all came back. Oh my God. It's him.

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