Double Date..?

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Ahh. It's been two weeks since me and JC started going out and I couldn't be happier. He's always taking me places, he's constantly talking to me and making me laugh, he takes me on romantic and cute dates. He's the perfect and ideal boyfriend. My birthday is this Saturday and I'm just wondering what he'll get me. Ill be 18. JC is 20 and yeah he was still in school but only as a helper. He did it for extra money. I guess it was awkward dating a 20 year old. Not really who cares? I like him a lot. I can't wait for Saturday.

'Come on dont say goodnight, with the stars in the sky. lets wait till tomorrow paints the sun across the night. I see love in your eyes, and if you see it in mine. Lets wait till tomorrow. Don't say good say goo please don't say goodnight.'

I heard my phone ring. I ran over to the couch to grab it since I was in the kitchen making my world famous.... Melted Hershey bar. Yeah. Not a big deal.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey. Uhh lex?" I heard the familiar voice say. I perked up. "Oh hey Justin! what's up?" I could almost hear him smile. "Nothing really I was just wondering. Would you and JC like to i don't know. Come on a double date with me and Sel?" I started walking back to the kitchen with my phone pressed against my ear. "A double date? I'm not sure. My birthday is tomorrow. When were you planning this?" "ohh.. yeah I knew that by the way. That's why I wanted to tomorrow. But If you and him have something planned. I uhh. I get it." I could tell he was now frowning. I feel bad. Ugh! Justin! "I'm sorry. I can't ask him though!" I said. "No. It's fine. It's just I've missed so many of your birthdays because of my career. Umm I have to go now. Bye." "Justin wai-.." 'The person you were talking to has disconnected their line. Please hang up and try again.'

Ugh.. I thought to myself. Why is life so difficult. I'm going to call JC and ask him. "Hey babygirl" I heard his voice say. I instantly smiled. It reminded me of Justin when he called me that. I shook off my thought of Justin. "Hey. Do you wanna go on a double date tomorrow with Justin and Selena for my birthday?" I asked curiously. "Uhhh.. I don't know baby. I thought we could spend it together. Since your parents had to leave. I was going to take you out to eat and then something special" automatically I started laughing. Curse my dirty mind. "NOT LIKE THAT ALEXA!" He said. I could tell he was trying not to laugh. While still laughing I said. "Haha okay babe. Text me. I'm cooking!" I said confidently. I heard him scoff. "Ha! You!? Cooking!? hahaha what?" I frowned and huffed. "I can cook ya know!" I said sounding like a little kid. "Yeah and I can dance" he said. "Whatever. Shut up. I'm going to finish this. Bye." "Haha bye baby."

He's so cute. He's so perfect. He's so. Mine.

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