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After about 5 more minutes we finally broke free from each others grip. Me still crying and him leaking a few tears too. I just stared at him. "Drew.." I managed to whisper. "Baby.." He said softly while keeping that beautiful smile on his face. "Why did you do this?" I asked confused. His smile dropped. "To be with you baby girl. Why else?" I stopped him. "No. Why did you use your first name? I thought you like Drew more?" "Well everyone thought the fans would think I was hiding stuff from them if I used my middle name. So they made me use Justin. It's growing on me." I smiled. "Well I would hope so, you've been using it for 6 years now." He chuckled. "Yeah. I was so worried you'd never remember me." I paused a minute. "I didn't want to." He frowned. "Wh- what do you mean?" I looked to the side trying to keep in the tears. "I though you umm. I thought you forgot about me. I hadn't heard from you or about you in so long that I was sad and mad. I just wanted to forget you, and move on." He shook his head and pulled me back into the hug. He said. "Baby girl I could never. Never forget about you. You're my first love. Ill love you forever." "You'll love her too though wont you?" He looked at me confused. "What?" I pointed behind him to see a smiling Selena. He was speechless. "Go to her Dr- I mean Justin." I giggled. He smiled and walked over to her giving her a big hug. She smiled back at him and waved at me. I walked over smiling. I introduced myself. "Hi I'm Lexa. Old time friend haha" she smiled. "I'm Sel-" I interrupted. "Oh trust me I know. You're Queen". She laughed. "What?" I smiled. "You're Queen. I'm a Selenator and I love you!!" She blushed. "Awee thanks sweetie" she said. She looked at Justin. "Okay babe so ill have my driver come get you at around 6 for our dinner okay?" His smile dropped and he looked at me. "But what about-". She chuckled. "Babe.. You can bring Lexa too no problem. Plenty of room." I smiled widely. "Are you serious!? Me. Eat with Selena. Queen. Gomez." I kinda sorta fainted. No biggy lol. I woke up somewhere different. I was in a castle? Nope. Just a really big house. Whos house and when did I get here? Suddenly Justin appeared around the corner with a tux on, and the tie still not finished. He had a toothbrush in his hand. He took it out of his mouth and looked at me. "Hey sleepyhead." He said with water and toothpaste still in his mouth. "Still a slop I see." He sarcastically laughed as he went to spit. Then he came back. "Haha very funny." I smiled. "I know right!" He laughed. "You still have that adorable smile." I blushed "thanks 'Justin'". I used quotes letting him know I thought it was weird calling him that. He dropped his head still smiling. "Ya know." He said. "You. Don't have to call me that." He started walking over to the couch I woke up on and was sitting on. I giggled. Man I thought I was over this boy, but now that I'm here with him I'm not sure. And I thought I hated Justin Bieber. Haha guess not. He noticed I was lost in my thoughts. He could always read me like a book. "What are you thinking about baby girl?" He scooted closer. 'Now it's just getting weird' I thought. "Uhh. Nothing. Why?" I fake smiled. He gave me the 'shut up and tell me what you're really thinking' look. I sighed, and looked at him. He looked confused and sad. "Why did you leave me?" He half smiled. "You know baby girl. I did it for my career. I thought you knew that." He started to put his hand under my chin. I shook my head and pushed his hand away and stood up. "No. That's not what I mean." He stood up and stared me in the eyes. "What do you-". I started screaming. I couldn't help it. "WHY DID YOU NEVER CALL ME OR TEXT ME OR MSG ME. WHY'D YOU NEVER VISIT ME?" I continued to scream. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU LEAVE ME THERE LIKE THAT!? WHAT HAPPENED TO 'I love you baby girl.' Or 'soon' even 'not so soon'. I THINK 6 YEARS IS A LITTLE OVER SOON JUSTIN!" I was officially broken down at this point. He looked at the ground. He was speechless. Me, like the idiot I am continued to yell. "WE'LL DO YOU HAVE AN ANSWER MR. POPSTAR?" He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. Now I feel bad. I shouldn't have done that. God I ruin everything. "Justin.." I whispered. "S- sorry." He breathed out with tears escaping his eyes. He took off through the house. I hate myself sometimes.

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