Chapter 3

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"Bucky, this is (Y/N) and she's going to be living here with all of us. She's working for me...Don't threaten to kill her."
"And (Y/N), don't stick magnets to his arm... I learnt from my mistakes,"  Tony said to you, making you laugh.
You waved and smiled at Bucky, so he waved back.
"(Y/N), stay with Bucky until I get back, I forgot something. I'll check that your case is in your room while I'm at it, then show you later" Stark told you, then left you and the winter soldier.

You slowly shuffled over to where Bucky was sat and perched on the stool next to him.
"I'm (Y/N)" you stuttered, feeling extremely intimidated by him.
"I'm James, James Buchanan Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky" he replied smiling at you.
"I like your metal arm, it's cool" you said to him, then realised what you said "... I don't mean it's cool because you're the 'winter solider', I didn't mean tha- ...I meant it's..."
He started laughing at you then "it's fine... that's actually kinda funny"

"What's funny?" You hear a voice behind you. Both you and Bucky turn round to see Steve in the doorway smiling.
"Captain! Ohmygosh hi.... I'm (Y/N), I'm working for Mr Stark. Wow, it's you!"
"Hello, nice to meet ya (Y/N)" he replied, chuckling at your fangirling.

Steve headed to the fridge and Bucky leaned over to you "I guess you're a Fan ?"
You nodded "It's captain dandelion fluff of concentrated righteous fury, how can
I not be a fan?"

Bucky laughed so much at that comment that he snorted, then fell of his stool onto the floor. Steve whipped his head around to see you staring at Bucky who was now rolling around laughing whilst trying to catch his breath.
"Dandelion fluff... hahaha... I can't breathe !!" He panted between bursts of laughter.
Steve laughed at his idiocy then helped him up, slightly confused as to why Bucky was talking about dandelions. You sat there grinning at Bucky like a fool .

Tony had come back to the kitchen then you'd all headed to the living room. You then met :
Natasha- who tried to throw a throwing star at you, thinking you were an intruder.

Bruce- who was really polite given the other side to him is a radioactive green monster.

Clint- who showed you how he could shoot an apple that he put on your head with his eyes shut. (It was quite a terrifying experience)

Wanda- who seemed extremely happy to be able to be good friends with someone other than vision.

Vision- who was not extremely happy to have Wanda be potentially good friends with someone other than himself, but was very polite and welcoming nonetheless.

Sam- who has the same humour and level of sarcasm as you, so you knew you'd get along with him.

And finally, Thor- who is the nicest god you've ever met... (you've only ever met one god but still)

By the time everyone had met you and you had spoken to them it was around noon and the group dissipated, leaving you and Tony.

"I'll show you your room, then leave you to unpack or do whatever " he said to you, then got up off the couch.
"Wait... could you possibly take me to get some art supplies and other stuff I need ?"you stammered.
"Yeah sure, it gives me an excuse to buy stuff too" he laughed.

You were about to get out of Tony's Acura NSX to buy a few things from the mall when he handed you a roll of money.
"... I'm not getting you drugs" you laughed, he laughed too before replying "It's for you, so you can buy stuff. Go on a shopping spree. There's around $10,000 there so you won't be short. And I won't let you come back to the tower with me if you don't spend at least $5,000"
You stared at him in shock... this has to be a dream. Tony Stark just handed you money.

"You've known me for less than a day... and I'm getting money ?"

"Think of it as your downpayment for the job." He said.

You stood there, deciding whether you should actually accept the money or hand it back to him.

"(Y/N) ? Are you going to go and buy stuff?" He asked. You break your pause with a smile and a nod then head into the mall.

You text Tony and tell him you've finished your 'shopping spree' and he sends happy to collect you, as apparently he's "busy beating Steve's ass on mario kart." You and happy shove your 20+ bags into the car, then you hop in, asking if you can take a detour before heading back to Stark tower. You message Stark whist in the car and in a few minutes he responds. Happy pulls up outside the building you know too well, you rummage through your shopping and find two large bags that you take with you. You pull your key from your pocket and enter the block of flats.
When You reach your shared flat, you try the door, which luckily is unlocked.

"(Y/N)?!!" Hannah calls as you open the door, which surprised you slightly, but you reply "No, it's Castiel... I'm an angel of the lord"
However, Hannah isn't laughing at you or your supernatural joke.

"I woke up at 5AM and you were gone! most of your stuff was missing! You don't answer our calls and texts and no one knew where you were! EXPLAIN... NOW!"

"Can I enter the room first?" You stammer, rather shocked by Hannah's hulk side. She takes a deep breath then lets you past, where Bella rushes into the room.
"Ohmygosh (Y/N) !! Are you okay? Where were you? Are you staying here? Where's your stuff? You re-"

"Why are you both freaking out, I left you a note this morning"
They look at each other then look at you with blank expressions. You look down at the coffee table... where your note is being used as a coaster. You pick up the empty coffee cup and take the note, waving it in the air like a white flag"

They start laughing slightly and Hannah pulls you into a hug. "I know it's my fault for not seeing the note, but I'm mad at you for... for... not leaving the note where I would see it."
You all sit on the sofa, and start to explain the story.

"Basically... I met Tony Stark yesterday, and he asked me for my number and this morning he rang me and said I was working for him, and his driver picked me up in a penggggg rolls Royce, then I went to the Stark tower, and I'm moving in there, and I met the avengers, then Tony gave me loads of money so I could go on a shopping spree, then I came here to tell you both."
There was a moment of silence, then Hannah and Bella burst into the biggest fit of laughter you'd ever seen... even worse that Bucky's dandelion moment earlier.

"Are you drunk?"
"Are you high?"
"Did you hit your head?"
"Do you think we're stupid ?!"
"Have you been reading too many fanfics?" They both ask you.

You sigh and pull out your phone, finding the message with the attached picture. You click the picture, which has; Tony holding a piece of paper saying "she's telling the truth Hannah and Bella " and taking the picture, then Steve 'my life's a photoshoot' rogers and Clint posing behind him.

Their jaws dropped... "it must be photoshopped" Hannah exclaimed, Bella nodded her head in agreement.
You toss their comments aside and pick up the bags you'd brought in, then handed one to each of them.

"I was going to tell you about the possible job with Stark yesterday, but I didn't want you to overreact. I didn't know everything Would happen so quickly-"
Just as you were about to continue, your phone buzzed.

"Sorry guys, I've got to go... Stark's waiting for me" you grin . "I'll ring you later, I promise"
They sit there with their bags filled with presents you'd bought them and they watch you leave, stunned and in silence.

You Know Who I Am - Tony Stark X readerWhere stories live. Discover now