Chapter 9

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Thor came and sat beside you, and the other guy sat on the sofa opposite, you swore you'd seen him before.
"(Y/N) This is my brother... Loki"
"We are NOT brothers Thor, I am merely adopted." he said, an apathetic look on his face.
Thor looked at Loki with puppy dog eyes until he sighed.
"I'm Loki... his brother."

You waved and smiled slightly, but he just rolled his eyes and picked up a book that was on the coffee table.
Thor and Loki definitely didn't look like brothers, but they had the right attitudes towards each other to be related. You reached into your bag and picked out one of your new books, flicking open the page and taking in the new book smell. 

"I wonder if the man of iron purchased any more pop tarts" the thunder god thought out loud.
"I don't know Thor... why don't you go and check" you sarcastically replied, half way through a chapter.
"Come with me (Y/N)!!" Thor pleaded, but you just carried on reading  your book, not even looking up.

Thor then plucked the book from your hands, shut it, put it on the table, and placed the Mjölnir on top of it.
You stared at him with shock and horror, whilst Loki sniggered in the background. Thor had the biggest grin on his face you'd ever seen as he stood there with his arms crossed.
He continued to stare at you, arms across his chest and a huge grin on his face

You got up and followed Thor to the kitchen, where he began to open cupboards and search for the pop tarts.
"So (Y/N), the man of iro... Tony Stark said you and him have had a falling out... that's why you didn't go out with the team"

"It doesn't matter Thor"  you said, helping to look through the cupboards   "what's the deal with your adopted brother Loki anyway?"
Thor looked over at you, knowing you were lying, but dismissed it.

"Loki ? He is a jötunn... a frost giant, and he was adopted by the allfather Odin. We do not 'get along', but he is still my brother and I will always love him"

You didn't get most of anything else he told you, you just nodded and tried to pick things up as he spoke about jötunheimr, Asgard, Midgard, the tesseract, his fake deaths. He seemed like a handful.

"IVE FOUND THEM!!" Thor beamed, picking up the pop tarts and holding the box in the air like a trophy. You laughed at his childishness, but the thought of Tony and pepper coming back here soon dampened your mood again.

"(Y/N)? What is wrong ?" Thor asked, seeing the sudden change of mood.
"You may have a pop tart if you like"

"It's nothing Thor" you said, perching on one of the barstools at the kitchen island.
"You midgardians are terrible liars" he replied.

"It's Tony and Pepper"  you sighed  "...them being so couple-y and together-y"

"I don't understand" Thor said, biting into a frosted strawberry pop tart. You looked up at him.
"Like I's nothing"

You and Thor headed back to the lounge where Loki was still reading. Thor was on his 4th pop tart, and had two other boxes cradled in his arms. You went to sit back where you were before, but instead decided to sit next to Loki.
He glared at you as you sat down. "That was a brave move mortal" he asserted.

You smiled at him and leaned over to look at what he was reading, but he shut the book and placed it down on the coffee table. "I'm warning you mortal!" He growled.
He was trying to be a lion but he really was no more harmful than a kitten.

"Lets watch Sherlock !!!" You beamed, whacking his arm in excitement. He glared at you until you removed your hand and got up from the sofa.

"What is this 'Sherlock'?" Thor asked. You looked from him to Loki, then back again in shock, before realising they probably didn't have anything of the sort on Asgard.

"Sherlock is a 'Midgardian' tv show, based on a set of 'Midgardian' novels" you joked

"It sounds pathetic, I'd rather be in a cell in Asgard" Loki exaggerated.

"That can be easily arranged." Thor growled.

"I want to watch it, so I'm putting it on."  You said.

Loki rolled his eyes and sighed. You felt sorry for Thor for having to put up with him, even though he was good looking.

"Be quiet Loki ! I am intrigued, I want to watch it too" said Thor.


*"I will burn you... I will burn the HEART out of you"*

Loki sniggered. You knew he'd like Sherlock as soon as he started watching it. Thor liked it as well, but was still more interested in the pop tarts he'd ran out of. You sat between the two brothers as Sherlock played, thinking about how much things can change. You were literally sat between two Gods. It reminded you of when you used to sit and binge watch programmes with Hannah and Bella. You made a mental note to go and see them tomorrow , you thought the money from Stark could get you a free holiday.


You flicked open and rubbed your eyes. You couldn't remember ever falling asleep, and apparently neither could Thor and Loki. You were leaning on Thor and Loki was leaning on you.

...And stood there, all with their phones out; Tony, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, vision, Bruce, Clint, and Natasha.

"Oh Shit"

Tony cracked up laughing "this is so going on a Christmas card... and a mug... and a billboard.

"Ughhh... I hate you guys" you joked.
You got up from the sofa and checked your watch. "It's 1AM !!! Whyyy did you wake me up ?!?"
Tony was still laughing,
Then you realised, stood behind Tony... was pepper. She was glaring at you, but obviously no one else saw. Everything you felt came flooding back.

"I'm going to bed, night guys." you said, grabbing your bag. You looked at your half read book, but the Mjölnir was still placed on top of it, so you left it and went.

You got to your room and just as you were about to go inside you heard Tony call you.

"(Y/N)! We need to talk" he said as he approached you "...Are you okay ?"
You opened your door and went inside, so he followed you in.
"I'm fine Tony."

"You don't look fine."

"Then stop looking!"

"What's wrong, you've been acting off... ever since... pepper? Do you not like her?"

"you know what this is about Tony ! Of course I don't like her !You lead me on and get me to like you, you play your game, then out of the blue 'oh yeah this is my girlfriend'!" You yelled

"What game ?! There was no game, I never led you on!" He retorted.

As you were both yelling, neither one of you had realised Loki had come to look for you, and was leaning on the doorframe listening in.


"Yeah we kissed, it happens, get over it... pepper is my girlfriend and I love her! You just work for me! I never leaded you on, and I never would." Tony shouted, then left the room, shoving past Loki who was still stood there.

"Loki you little shit"

A.N: Hey guys, apparently people read this, so I just wanted to say thank you and I hope you're enjoying it so far. Byeeee x

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