Chapter 14

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You slowly shut the door, trying to stay collected as you headed down the hall. Inside you were freaking out like mad... Tony Stark basically just admitted to liking you... TONY STARK !!!
This was the best thing that had ever happened to you.
You stopped for a minute and turned around to look at Tony's door again, and  immediately broke down into a fit of fangirling and laughter. You punched the air and smiled from ear to ear.

You headed into the lounge, your palms clammy and feeling starstruck. Steve and Bucky were back and they were having a conversation with Thor, Loki, Bruce and Clint, but you were in too much of a daze to even notice them properly.
You slumped down onto one of the sofas and tried to contain yourself. You were still smiling like crazy.
Everyone began trailing off from their conversation and staring at you.

"You okay there (Y/N)?" Clint asked. Without looking at him you nodded, you still had the biggest grin on your face ever.

Loki waved his hand in front of your face, looking at you with a puzzled look on his face but You still weren't paying attention to him, or anyone else, who were still staring at you.
"Oh dear, Is she dead ?"

"Man, I have the weirdest friends ever" Clint remarked.

Just as he said it you looked up at him, Like a switch in your brain had suddenly been turned on. "Friends" you muttered to yourself.
You jumped up, almost knocking Loki off the sofa, and ran across the room, heading out the door.
You raced down the hall and turned corners, before almost running into the elevator. You headed to your room and flung the door open, grabbing your phone from where it was sitting on your bed as you scrolled through your contacts before finding Hannah's name.
You stopped and took a few deep breaths, then pressed the dial button.

It started to ring...
"Hey... this is Hannah's voicemail. I have something more important than you at the minute so I'll get to you later, leave your message at the beep. *beep*

"You little shit." You sighed, before pressing the dial button again.
It went to voicemail every time you tried, but you were determined not to give up.
You pressed dial again and sat, hoping she'd pick up.

"Hey" you heard a familiar comforting voice.

"Hey" you said, dragging out the word, you could hear the happiness in your voice.

"What's up ? You never call" Hannah exclaimed.

"True, but you never answer my messages" you retort, and you hear her laughing over the phone.

"Anyway ...I have important news!"

"And is that why you're finally calling me after at least a month of nothing ?" She said. With everything that had been happening lately, you'd completely forgot to talk to Hannah and Bella more. You'd forgot to talk to them at all.

"Yes I know, I was a crappy friend, but you can give me a lecture later... Guess what !"

"What?" She said. You could hear the exasperation in her voice.

"Tony Stark admitted to liking me !!!"

"WHAT ?!?!" She squealed, almost inhuman-like. You moved the phone away from your ear for a moment and winced at the pain that your eardrum was experiencing.

You pressed the speaker on your phone so you no longer had to hold it to your ear, then stood up and strolled over to your desk, placing your phone down and looking at yourself in the mirror, Brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You weren't trying to be harsh on yourself, but why did Tony like you so much. What does he see in you that made him leave Pepper Potts.

You Know Who I Am - Tony Stark X readerWhere stories live. Discover now