Chapter 16

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"Tony ?"

"Hmm?" He mumbled, turning to face you, still holding your hand.

You looked at him then down to where your fingers were interlaced with his. There was a slightly confused look on your face. Tony just seemed calm about the whole thing, but for you it was massive.

"I was thinking-" he began.

You stopped dead still as you felt your heart drop to your feet. You let go of his hand in panic over what he was going to say.

He stopped too and looked at you strangely. The rest of the group hadn't realised you'd fallen behind and were still paying no attention to either of you.

"...and ?" You stammered.

A smile made its way onto his face and he grabbed your hand again to reassure you, even though it just made you freak out more.

"I think we could make every other couple bow down in shame" he smirked.

Your mouth dropped open in a mix of shock and awe.

You almost jumped onto Tony, wrapping your arms around him like a bear and embracing his warmth. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you back tightly, and you buried your face into his neck. He smelt of his signature cologne, soap and alcohol, and it smelt amazing. His suit material made it feel like you were hugging a teddy bear and you thought you were going to spontaneously combust from the happiness and the adrenaline that surged through your veins.

Eventually you pulled away from him, not wanting him to feel smothered. You were slightly sad from the loss of comfort and warmth, but there was a smile on your face going from ear to ear.

"So we're a couple...?" You confirmed, looking at him, hoping he wasn't going to run away and change his mind.

"How does it feel to be going out with the one and only Tony Stark ?" He smirked, his playful self returning to him.

"It feels pretty good." You respond, smiling at him.

"I remember seeing you in that coffee shop, way back then-" he began to say as he took your hand and squeezed it tightly. "- you were sat alone."

"Tony, You're stood reminiscing about something that happened about half a year ago." You laughed.

"Don't ruin my moment, I'm trying to reminisce and you're destroying it." He stated.

You smiled and nodded for him to carry on with the story.

"You instantly drew my attention to you. I don't know how or why, but I spotted you." He said, making you blush.

"I remember your face when I asked for your number to talk to you about the job. Your whole face lit up like a lamp... I thought you were going to pass out. And I remember seeing the drawing you did. You need to draw more actually, I fou-"

"I always do..." you cut him off by saying. " I draw all the time, I just never show anyone, I don't think they're good enough to show anyone." You laughed to yourself.

Tony smiled at you, he was the one looking star struck now.

"You need to show me those... all of them." He said, before carrying on with his story.

"I have no idea why you stood out to me so much, no one ever has before... but I knew I couldn't lose you. So I offered you a job. I didn't care if you knew a thing about engineering, mechanics, science or design... but I wanted to carry on seeing you. I couldn't help but feel drawn in. Apparently you have that affect on everyone as well... I have never seen Natasha or Loki become so comfortable around someone so quickly."

You Know Who I Am - Tony Stark X readerWhere stories live. Discover now