Chapter 17

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Your voice was coarse. There was fierceness in your eyes as you held your gun firmly in your hand, your finger loitering by the trigger. This wasn't the way you'd wanted things to be, but there was no other Choice now.

Around you was dark and the air was thick. You stood within the ruins of New York, where bodies were scattered everywhere and rubble and glass shards covered the pavements and roads.

Loki looked at you. Blood covered his body and outfit. You resisted the urge to reach up and wipe the dry blood from the cut on his face. There were cuts and bruises littering his arms and face; similar to you.

"Please don't." He pleaded.
Something in his eyes made your heart twinge slightly. There was once a time when you would've cared.
He had no magic now, he had no brother to protect him, and he had no weapon.

"Kneel !"

He sighed, dropping to his knees.

"This is just humiliating," he sighed. "please stop this."

You shrugged your shoulders and pointed the gun at his forehead.
"I'm sorry Loki... this isn't personal."

"Really... I have a feeling that this is nothing but personal." He said, looking up at you.

You smiled slightly, looking at him. He's a God... yet he's so helpless.

"...Please don't. Please."

You didn't even have to think about what you did next... you pulled the trigger and shot him, killing him instantly. His body lied limp and lifeless, along with all the others. Just another body littering New York. Along with the rest of the avengers team. You were the only one left.

"Damn you." Loki yelled, throwing the console remote onto another sofa. His side of the screen was tinted red and in bold were the letters 'YOU DIED'.

You laughed at him, doing a mini victory dance where you were sat, holding the console in your hand

After a few more drinks at the bar of Tony's choice, you'd headed back to the Tower to play one of Tony's video games.
You were adamant that you could beat everyone and Loki disagreed with you, so the two of you decided to battle it out to determine a champion. Which was obviously you.

"She beat you brother." Thor laughed.

Loki rolled his eyes. "This isn't over (Y/N), I am determined to beat you and I will."

"Give it up point break, she'll always win." Tony laughed, patting you on the shoulder.

You smiled up at him and handed over the empty bottle for him to discard. You were the new champion after all. Tony still seemed slightly shocked out of his usual state of smugness at your victory over Loki, but you weren't surprised.
Just because you looked like you weren't a video game nerd, doesn't mean you couldn't best everyone in the room in any game sent in your direction.

"I'll verse you tomorrow Lok's." you laughed, getting up from the sofa.

"Pardon? What did you just call me ?... do not call me Lok's." He protested, not unkindly, but not warmly either.

You grinned at him "whatever you say Lok's."

"Where are you going (Y/N) ?" Tony asked, giving you his best puppy dog eyes to try and convince you to stay.

"I am going to bed," you stated. "... it's 2AM and I want to get some sleep."

He looked at you and nodded, but Clint, Sam and Nat wouldn't give in so easily.
As they were trying to convince you to stay up and carry on drinking with them, you noticed Loki staring at you again, and there was a nagging doubt that something was wrong.

"Sorry guys, I'm tired and don't want to be any more hungover. I'll see you all tomorrow."

"I'm going to my chambers too, I'll walk with you." Loki said, standing up from the sofa.
Tony watched as Loki stood up, there was a hint of jealousy that flashed across his face that you saw for a second.

"Have care (Y/N), he might turn into a snake so you'll pick him up, then he'll transform and Stab you." Thor said, looking at his brother, who grinned smugly at what he'd just said.

You looked at the two Asgardian brothers. There were many things they you needed answers to, but you were too tired to ask any questions.

"You still hold a grudge against me over that don't you brother?" Loki smiled.

"I hold many grudges against you Loki, so does everyone here." His brother retorted.

Loki shrugged and laughed slightly. You supposed the elongated lifetime due to being a God meant no grudge seemed massively important to the two of them.

"Night guys" you spoke up, distracting everyone from the weird serpent conversation that was going on.

"Night (Y/N)" everyone called, and you headed out of the room with Loki.

"So..." you started, only then realising you had nothing to say.

"Forget the small talk...What's up with you ?"

You stopped and looked up at him, your eyes locked with his jade ones.

"What's up with me ?" You asked, semi-sarcastically. "-what's up with you?"

He rolled his eyes and looked down at you, there was something that you couldn't figure out about him and the way he kept looking at you.

"It could be argued that there's a lot up with me, but that's beside the point. There's something different about you, and I just can't figure out what it is."

A.N: I am soooo sorry that I haven't uploaded sooner, and I promise to upload another chapter by the end of this week.
Thor: Ragnarok came out today in the UK and I went to see it... it is amazing !! If you haven't thought about watching it then you need to !!

Also... 5K reads !!!!!! Yeyyyyyyyyyy (5.23k to be precise)

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