Chapter 8

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You were all sat in the main lounge, waiting for Tony to get back so everyone could order a takeaway.
The doors of the elevator opened and Tony struts out... followed by some blonde chick who was pretty much clinging to him.
"She's just a colleague", "she's just a friend", "it's not what it looks like" you repeatedly told yourself as they entered the room and stood by the sofa.

"Hey pepper" Natasha smiled.
Pepper... Who the hell Is Pepper ?!.

'Pepper' smiled back at nat "Hey"
You perched on the edge of the sofa analysing the situation and trying to think of a outcome.
Tony looked over at you "oh yeah...(Y/N), this is pepper, you've never met. Pepper's my girlfriend"
Whatttt ?!?! You internally freaked out.
She grinned with a smile that was incredibly fake. "Hi (Y/N)... I've heard sooo much about you, nice to finally meet you"

You tried not to look at her, you just kept shifting your gaze across the room,  before fixing your gaze on Bucky. He never told you... why did no one tell you... why didn't Tony tell you.

You turned back to Pepper and Tony, but you couldn't even muster a smile. Your heart was thumping in your chest, threatening to rip through you. You were overcome with nausea. So You slowly rose from your seat and grabbed your bag that was on the floor by your feet.

"Sorry...I've...Ive got to go" you murmured.
"What about the takeaway?" Tony asked
You made your way past the couple and headed to the elevator, tears threatening to fall. "I've got to go"

As soon as the doors shut behind you, you exhaled, Rubbing the back of your neck.
You fished your phone out of your bag and scrolled through your contacts, but there was no one you felt you could talk to, so instead you flicked through the roll of money you had, counting it and shoving it back into your purse, then headed to the exit.


You walked into Starbucks, feeling like you were in a cliche, teen white-girl movie. Starbucks was one of your many escape places. Sophie saw you as you shuffled through the doors and she smiled at you. It momentarily made you feel better and warm inside. Sophie was one of the workers at the Starbucks you usually went to and you had become customer/worker friends... you were a regular so you spoke to her a lot, and she always spelt your name right.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks, can I take your order"  she joked "I haven't seen you in ages (Y/N), you're one of the regulars and when you stopped turning up I got worried" she smiled. You  fake smiled as best you could.
"The regular?"
"Uh, yeh"

When you got your drink you went and sat at a table at the far end of the room and sipped at your drink, Scrolling through tumblr on your phone and thinking about earlier.
"This is Pepper... Pepper's my girlfriend"
You couldn't shake the thought from your head. What had she heard? Does she know about the kiss ? Is she...
Your phone rang, you glanced at it blankly. 'Tony Stark' You inhaled deeply and tried to collect your thoughts, before pressing accept.

"Hey (Y/N), where are you, you looked a little ill earlier"
"I'm out Tony, and I'm fine"
"Okay... well, me and the rest of the gang have scratched the idea of a takeaway and were going out for drinks, wanna join ?"
"No thanks, goodbye Tony" you said, and where about to end the calls
"Wait... the thunder god's here and I don't want him destroying the tower while we're gone... do you want to god sit?" He joked. "...I'll pay you"

You sighed, there was nothing else to do, Thor could keep you company, "sure, bye"
You finished your drink and got up, waved goodbye to Sophie and left. Then started to walk back to the tower.

On the way over you saw a bookstore,stood in between two massive buildings, looking fairly old and fairly out of place. You'd never seen it before, which was strange. You pressed your head to the glass and peered inside. There was someone sat at the counter and there were lights on so you decided to go in. Why not reward yourself... there was nothing to reward yourself for, but you were going to reward yourself anyway. A little bell jingled as you pushed open the door and the guy at the counter looked up from his book.

He looked young, probably a student trying to make some easy money. Your exchange was silent.
You looked through isles of books, picking up anything that caught your eye and reading the blurb and a couple of pages of each one. You picked out 5 eventually and made your way over to the counter, where the guy was still reading.

You smiled and placed the book down on the counter which got his attention.
"Hey, sorry... it's a good book" he laughed
He scanned your books and you payed him.
"Have a nice day, and I hope you enjoy your books" he said as he handed you the receipt and you tried to strategically fit your books into your bag.
You were about to leave when you heard him say one more thing
"Don't be gone too long"
You got inside and slowly made your way to the lounge where you guessed everyone would be. The thought of Tony and Pepper being there made shivers run down your spine. You stood in the elevator, staring at the wall before finally  saying where you wanted to go.
The elevator doors opened, there was Tony and pepper, and Thor... and someone else.
"Thank god she's here" pepper muttered "what takes someone so long, everyone else will be on their fifth drink" she exaggerated .
You ignored what she said, walking past her and flopping onto the sofa.
Pepper started to walk towards the elevator but Tony stood still, staring at you.

"We need to talk later"

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