Chapter 7

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You shook of the words Tony had said to you and quickly changed the subject.
"Sooo... dinner ?" You stammered.
"Yeah, Tasha's been on about this new restaurant a few blocks away, the team were thinking about going there. You can tag along if you like"
You stood and thought for a second. "Errr... no I'm fine, it's a team thing, I don't want to ruin it by being there... I'll just find something myself"
Tony stood and examined you as you played with the sleeves of your shirt.
"Okay, I'll see ya later then" he said, taking one last look at the mural on the wall before walking out of the room and shutting the door.
You sighed. Was he being serious?... was he flirting with you ?... you're pretty sure if his middle name wasn't 'Edward' it would be 'flirtatious'.

You tried to shove the thought of Tony Stark being interested in you to the back of your mind, when there was a knock at your door, then Tony entered, followed by the rest of the avengers.
"Hey (Y/N), I just wanted to show the rest of the team your painting... guys, this is so cool, like, better than shawarma's cool"
The avengers all stood there looking at your piece in awe as you sat on the edge of your bed, listening to the 'wow's and 'awesome's. Clint particularly expressed how cool he thought he looked, which made you laugh.
"Hey, my metal arm! There isn't a red star" Bucky exclaimed.
On each one of the team's arms you'd painted a little 'A', symbolising the avengers, which meant you'd replaced Bucky's soviet star.

Tony waved you goodbye as they all left to go for dinner. When they did you decided to go and take a shower in your massive (bigger than your bedroom in your flat) bathroom.


You sat on the bed blow-drying your hair and skimming through channels on the tv when something caught your eye.

*news broadcaster* "New York is experiencing one of the worst bot attacks in years, as robots have flooded the city and have began a mass attack/ murder. Eye witness accounts have claimed to have seen the avengers on the scene, and they are doing virtually nothing to help. It looks like the 'avengers' will never live this down..."

You sat there frozen, your heart pumping in your chest. What could you do ? You felt as if it was your duty to do something to help, especially seen as you were sat in the avengers tower. You threw down your hairdryer, and jumped off your seat, grabbing a pair of socks and whatever shoes you first saw.
You then bolted down corridors trying to find various weapons that belonged or could come in useful for them ; Caps shield, Hawkeyes bows and arrows,guns, more guns, etc.
You found the first pair of keys for one of Tony's cars and lots at a time you shoved things into the boot and on the back seats.
"I am so sorry Tony... but RIP to this beautiful car"


The battle was over, you'd successfully found the avengers and watched and hid as they brought down the bots.

You were all back at the tower, and everyone was sprawled out as they rested or cleaning wounds. Your eyes followed Tony as he walked across the room and headed to what you guessed was to his suit storage room.
No one else realised he'd left but you did, and so you got up after a few minutes and followed him.
When you got to outside his office-thingy, you stood and contemplated going inside. You saw him sat on his chair with his head in his hands... you were never very good at cheering people up, you usually just made it worse, but  you thought you'd give it a try.

You pushed the door open and shuffled inside, then took a deep breath and walked over to where he was sat. You tapped him on the shoulder and he looked up at you, his eyes glistening and filled with tears. You sat down cross legged on the floor by him.
"What's up?"
"I failed the team... that was such a close battle, and we almost lost it" he sighed

"You didn't lose, you all did amazingly. You all put your lives on the line to protect people, to avenge, you don't have to do all that, and yet you do"

"What does it matter,I still failed them... Thor told me he had been informed of possible attacks 'on Midgard' and I didn't listen to him, and look what happened, neither them or I deserve this, I'm useless"

It broke you to see Tony like this, I guess fans have to deal with this, but it happening in real life made it so much worse.

"Look at your wrist. You see the blueish veins ? The blood that flows through them contains haemoglobin, which is a protein that has four iron atoms incorporated into its structure. Iron is only naturally produced in one place. It can only be forged in the core of dying stars. So every time you look at your veins, remember what you are built from, remember that you kept alive by stardust, and never say you're useless... you're iron man"

At that, he looked you in the eyes and you kissed. You felt his soft lips against yours as he snaked one of his hands into your hair, and placed his other on your neck. You felt sparks fly though your body. You kissed back eagerly.
When you broke apart you had the biggest grin on your face. You couldn't even think about trying to play it cool.

You headed back up to the main lounge, Tony following you. When you got up there Tony headed over to Bruce, Clint and Natasha. Bucky saw you summoned you over.
"Hey snowflake" you laughed, and he scowled for a second

"You and Tony then ?" He smirked.
You stared at him in shock "what ?! Err... no" you stammered
He laughed at you "pleassssee, I'm not stupid" he looked over at Steve then back to you
"Don't worry, I'll keep your secret" he mimicked

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