Chapter 6

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You headed up to your room and decided to organise some of your things, this was your new room after all.
You started with your suitcase. You hauled it onto your bed and unzipped it, then began to put away your things; clothes, shoes, makeup, toiletries, electricals. It didn't take too long.
Then you decided to put away everything that you'd bought yesterday; new clothes, new underwear, new makeup, a MacBook Pro, American candy, new soundproof headphones (which you feel you'll probably need ), a new bag, and lots of new art supplies.
You grabbed one of the sketchbooks you'd bought and stuck a label on it. You picked up a pen and wrote 'Iron Man', before placing it to one side.

Looking at all your art supplies gave you an idea. You found your sketchbook and looked at your favourite avengers drawing, made a few alterations to it, then decided upon it. You took the tv down very carefully, then started sketching your design onto the wall.
After an hour, you'd finished the sketching process and got all your paints and brushes, then set to work.


It had been 10 hours, but you'd almost finished the painting. You were like Pietro when it came to art, and now you only had some finishing details and highlights.

You were a little surprised that no one had come to check on you, you've been in this room for over 10 hours. You could be dead for all they knew.
10 hours of painting needs breaks, so you've spent over $10 in your vending machines. They're yours so you can get the money back whenever you want, but you might as well wait until you're low on cash.
You placed the paint brush down and stepped back to marvel at your work. It was amazing. The shading and contouring was on point, the proportions were correct and the realism was perfect. You smiled at what you had done, it was probably one of your best artistic achievements, especially on such a large scale.

You decided to go and check on Tony, and get some real food in the process. You brush down your top which is covered in red paint try to remember the way you get to the kitchen.
On your way down you look around more, taking everything in, it still seemed unreal that you'd be living at the Stark/avengers tower. The kitchen was empty when you got there. Your socks slid across the cool, tiled flooring and opened the fridge, analysing the very little that was in there. Instead you rummaged around the cupboards, deciding not to have any food, and just make a cup of tea instead.

You flicked on the kettle and stood leaning against the counter as you listened to the boiling sound that reminded you of back home for some reason. You poured the boiling water into a mug that you found in one of the cupboards and made your tea.
You took a sip... it wasn't as nice as British tea but it was decent enough. You then took your cup and headed down to one of Tony's mechanic rooms, hoping you remembered the way and didn't end up discovering Hawkeyes underground nest.
You pushed open the glass door with your free hand and look around at all of the suits and prototypes, and papers sprawled across tables with spanners as paperweights. You giggled to yourself, as this is exactly as you imagined it to be. You picked up a few of the papers with key ideas on them and shoved them into your pocket. You'd need an idea of what your job was if you were going to get anywhere with it.

You were too entranced by this chaos that belonged to Tony Stark that you didn't hear the glass door swing open, and cashmere suit pants swishing as footsteps came towards you. You felt tapping on your shoulder, and span around side kicked Tony.

"Ohmygosh Tony ! I'm so, so, so sorry. I didn't realise it-"
"Hey,kid, it's fine" Tony said, rubbing his side where you just reenacted Kung fu panda on him.
You pouted slightly, folding your arms across your chest "I'm not a kid you know" you said, rolling your eyes at the stereotypical short girl statement.

"Yeah... I realise that now, you have the strength of Nat... how ?!"
You shrugged and dismissed the comment. You've done several martial arts since you were young, but you never considered yourself to be strong.

"Why do you look like... that ?" Tony said, pointing at your messy hair and paint covered face, hands and clothing.

Then you had a great idea and grabbed Tony's wrist and began to drag him towards the glass door.
"Come with me, I've got something I need to show you"

Tony looked slightly confused but followed behind.

You got the elevator and stood in awkward silence. "What are you showing me?" He asked you, "-just wait and see"

You led him to your room and opened the door then walked inside. Tony followed and stopped when he saw the giant mural on the wall.
"Ermmm..." he stammered. You began to freak out, thinking he'd hate it.
"Wow!" He laughed "(y/n)!" "this..." he pointed at your piece "...this is amazing"

You stood there blushing, and soaked up all the compliments, wondering if he really meant them. It was THE Tony Stark, so he wouldn't really care about one girls painting, would he ?

When he stopped talking about the painting, you watched him as he analysed the room, his eyes locking on the Victoria's Secret bags.
He smirked "So... when do i get to see you in those ?"

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