Chapter 19

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"Was it that obvious ?"

"Well-" he started, before Tony sauntered back into the kitchen, sliding his phone back into his pocket.

"Sorry about that, Stark industries stuff." Tony babbled. He put his hands in his pockets and leant against the counter.

"So...what were you two talking about ?" He asked, shifting his gaze between you and Loki.
He wasn't the only one who sensed the tension in the air.

You tried to think of an answer to disguise the conversation you'd just been having with Loki but your mind went blank. 'Damn you!' You muttered to yourself. You're a pro at lying, how could you not think of anything to say now ?

"Actually, I was just informing (Y/N) that I was about to watch tv." Loki spoke up.

"What ?!" You choked, half coughing, half shouting.
You were almost certain that Loki was going to blab about you admitting that you loved Tony, but apparently not.
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other feeling extremely awkward about your sudden stupid outburst. You could feel Tony staring at you but you couldn't face looking at him. You knew you'd just crumble and have to admit what you'd really been talking about. It was way too soon to admit that you loved Tony. You weren't even sure what you felt if you were being completely honest.
Was it really love ?

"Um... yeah. Tv." You stammered.

Tony smiled, a sparkle in his eyes, then ran off out of the room. Loki laughed at him. There was a luminous green flash and the TV remote appeared in his hand.

"So..." you said, now that Tony was away from hearing distance. "- was it that obvious?"

Loki sighed empathetically.
"Well, as I was saying-"

"DAMN YOU LOKI !" Tony yelled.

'Why does this happen to me?' you internally screamed at yourself.

Tony as he entered the kitchen again, sulking like a 5 year old. You both laughed at him and Tony scowled in acknowledgment.

"What is It ? What's he done ?... Has he stabbed someone ?!" Thor demanded, poking his head around the doorway into the kitchen.

He glanced around the room at the three of you and rolled his eyes, seeing the remote in his brothers hand, lifted above his head so Tony couldn't reach it.

"It's upsetting how  little trust you have in me brother." Loki stated.

Thor nodded his head, strolling over to where you were stood. He grabbed the remote from his brothers hand and bolted from the kitchen into another room.

Loki darted after Thor, determined to get the remote back.

You threw your head back and sighed. You must be cursed... you can never be given a straight answer.

Tony looked at you to see if you were okay. You smiled in response and he gave you a little nod and wink before running off after the two brothers.

"You're both Gods, this isn't fair !" He yelled after them.

You laughed at their stupidity and childishness, wondering what a snowball fight, laser tag or paintball session would be like with them. You followed them into the room where Loki sat, victorious, with the remote in his hand.
Thor laid on the floor pouting, before sitting up and brushing himself off.

You Know Who I Am - Tony Stark X readerWhere stories live. Discover now