Chapter 23

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You watched Tony with undisguised admiration as he sat with your friends, sipping his coffee as he verbally reenacted scenes from his many adventures as Iron man. It struck you as odd how the same man who was wiggling his fingers as he mimicked an explosion could be accused of such wrongdoings.

It had been a few hours since you'd first met Hannah and Bella in the parking lot and introduced them to the one and only Tony Stark. There had been a few choice comments made about your little fiasco with your 'housewife friends,' but things quickly blew over and you were pulled into a bear hug by Hannah, where you were forced to give an apology before she released you from her grip and told you that all was forgiven.

Your minded drifted away from the conversation and you absentmindedly watched passers by, some of whom stopped and faltered when they saw "a guy who was literally the epitome of that Billionaire Tony Stark" (according to a middle aged man on the phone.)

"So, how did you meet (y/n) ?" Tony inquired, resting his chin on his hands and giving you a knowing glance that revealed his true intentions.
I'm going to find out the most embarrassing stuff possible about you.

"We all met in highschool," Hannah started, pushing her empty coffee cup aside. "We were in some classes together but I wouldn't really call us 'friends.' We did get along well though. It wasn't until later on when me and Bella ditched our other friends and actually started talking to (y/n) that we got to know each other. From there she pretty much engulfed my entire life."

Bella tried to stifle a laugh and failed miserably, knowing that 'engulfed my entire life' was an understatement. You and Hannah were always joined at the hip, and lots of people would put good money on the two of you being a couple.

Tony's gaze was drawn towards Bella then.

"So Bella, why did you start talking to (y/n) ?"

Bella picked up her mug of tea and had a sip, in no hurry to answer. "It was a little bit of an accident really."

Tony cocked his brow, beckoning for her to continue with a sly smile on his lips. Bella sighed at that, and you instantly remembered what it was that she was talking about. It must've been in the second or third year of high school, and you'd made the terrible decision of sitting near her in the canteen.

"Well, I was talking to a friend and we were in a little bit of a heated discussion. I was annoyed and gesticulating wildly and I may have accidentally punched her in the nose."

Tony burst into a loud harsh cackle of laughter, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He looked over at you and you sighed, rolling your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose.

"I'm never going to hear the end of this, am I ?" You asked.

Tony replied with a no through his laughter, obviously being enthralled at the thought of you being accidentally being punched in the face by the person who would later become your best friend.

You glanced around, trying to lock onto anything that could distract you from the embarrassment that you were feeling. It was only then that you noticed a stranger at the other side of the coffee shop. They were sat alone at a table, phone in hand and the camera pointing towards you.
You didn't think twice about it - even though you felt as if you'd just experienced a strange feeling of deja-vu -and were certain they were just snapping a photo of Tony to show their friends.

"Well I'm going to head to the bathroom then we can get back to shopping," Tony said, pushing his chair away from the table and excusing himself.

Hannah and Bella then began to pepper you with questions about Tony and your 'new life.'
However your mind began to drift away as you noticed the stranger out of the corner of your eye, still taking photos.

You felt a discomfort in your chest and a cold sweat began to break on your back.
"It's only the paparazzi. They're just interested in why you're with Tony. That's all," you tried to tell yourself, but you couldn't shake off the strange discomfort. Something felt wrong.
The hair on the back of your neck began to rise and you felt a bead of sweat trickle along your spine.

Trying not to draw any attention to yourself, you stole another glance at the photographer, who was still taking photos of you.

As Tony headed back from the men's room and towards the table, you shot him a terrified glance. He sat down and responded in turn with an expression of his own. Are you all right ?

"There's someone watching us," you mouthed and nodded behind you towards the table across the room.

Tony rose a brow and looked past you towards where you pointed, then furrowed his brows. This drew the attention of Hannah and Bella, who followed Tony's gaze towards where the stranger was.

"What are we looking at ?" Bella asked, shooting a glance between the three of you.

"I can't say I know myself," Tony laughed. "-there's nothing there."

You turned to face the stranger again and froze. The place where the stranger had been sat was vacant. There was no person, no phone, no coffee cup that had been sat on the table. Nothing.

In a panic you shot up out of your chair, screeching the wooden legs against the floor in a horrific manner and attracting the attention of many other customers in the cafe. You stumbled out of the glass doors into the main walkway of the shopping centre and looking around frantically. The stranger wasn't there.

Tony, Bella and Hannah rushed out to follow you, all with worried and slightly sceptical expressions.

"Are you okay (y/n) ?" Tony asked, laying a hand on your shoulder. You shrugged him off, recognising the patronising behaviour for what it was.

"There was someone there and I know it. They were watching us !"

"I didn't see anyone," Hannah stated.

"Okay. Why don't we go and ask one of the baristas in the cafe if they saw anyone ?" Tony asked, intertwining his hand with yours and leading you back towards the cafe with Hannah and Bella on your tail.

"Excuse me ma'am, hi," Tony began, flashing an award winning smile and resting an arm on the counter. The woman behind the counter appeared to be in her mid to late twenties and uninterested to say the least.
"- I was wondering if you could tell us if there was anyone sat over there and who they were."

The woman gave Tony a once over and shrugged her shoulders before returning to her phone, putting an end to the conversation. Tony sighed and turned back to you, shrugging one shoulder and pulling a 'there's nothing more I can do' face, even though you knew it wasn't true.

For the rest of the day, you were lead around by Tony and your friends, plastering a smile on your face and joining in with all the laughing and jokes.
But something still didn't feel right.

A.N: I've finally updated !!!! *airhorns blazing* I've finished all of my exams, had a break and I've got internet again. I've also just got back from a festival but I'm not letting the tiredness win and I'm updating this well needed chapter.
Also... 38k ?!?!? I'm amazed at how this little piece of Tony Stank ( I mean Stark ) fan fiction has gotten.

Sometimes I feel like this fanfic isn't good enough and I just want to say thank you so much for all the love and support you guys are showing.

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