Chapter 5

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You woke up, rubbing your eyes and looking at your phone. 6:31 AM.

You sat up and looked around, trying to figure out where you were. You remember bits from last night, and you remember drinking lots.... but that's about it.

You take a moment to sit on the bed appreciate the comfort. The mattress was memory foam, and was definitely high end. Upon looking around the room again, you remembered where you were. You hadn't seen your room last night because of minimal light, so now was the first time.
The room was massive. There was a 66' flatscreen tv on one of the walls, a desk and work area, a dressing table and a mirror with lights.

You hopped out of bed and look more around the room. Your 20+ bags were by a giant wardrobe and chest of drawers. Then there was a giant on suite bathroom, with a jacuzzi bath that was large enough for 3 people, and a separate shower. There were heated towel racks and a toilet and sink that reminded you of the highest rated toilets and sinks on a sims game.

You walked back into your bedroom and there was a mini fridge, then a cupboard to store more food. There was another on suite room that you opened the door to and marvelled at. It was a game room with comfy seats and cushions, different gaming systems, another tv, then two vending machines. You looked around and squealed.

You headed back into your bedroom and changed into some pyjama bottoms and a crop top, then scraped your hair up into a messy bun.

You head downstairs, trying to remember which way it was to the kitchen.
You got to the living room and stopped in the doorway. Steve and Bucky were play fighting, and just as you walked in, Steve pulled Bucky down onto the sofa.

You froze, thunderstruck.

They laid there for a minute, staring at each other. Bucky brings himself closer to Steve, and you pulled the equivalent to deadpool's shocked face.
Steve then makes the first move, he threads his fingers through Bucky's long hair and pulls him close until their lips meet. The kiss is slow, simple, gentle and tender.
Bucky then pulls away and shuffles back. Steve sits up and Bucky's straddling him. They look at each other, slightly terrified at what just happened. They're frozen and silent.
They look at each other, then Bucky grabbed Steve's neck, and kissed him again. The kiss is more rough and urgent. Steve brings his hands up to Bucky's neck and pulled him down on top of him.

You cleared your throat, and they both whipped their heads round and faced you. Bucky jumped off Steve and they both turned bright scarlet in the face.

"How long have you been standing there ?!!" Steve half yelled.

"Longer than you'd like"

Bucky's utter embarrassment turned to pure rage as he jumped from the sofa and bolted after you. You skidded out of the room and straight to the elevator, which conveniently closed just as you reached it.
You turned around and dodged a punch that was aimed at your face, and the elevator got dinted instead. You turned right and tried to run, but the winter soldier dived and grabbed your legs, bringing you to the floor. He had himself on top of you, and even though you did martial arts, you couldn't get him off. He raised his metal arm to punch you and you threw your hands up to try to protect your face... but he didn't hit you.

He moved off you and you were free to stand again. He sighed, staring down at you, still lying on the floor. You grimaced slightly and slowly got to your feet. When you did, Bucky grabbed you by your throat and slammed you into the wall.

"(Y/N), IF YOU TELL ANYONE WHA-" he began, but you started to laugh.
"Why would I tell anyone... it's not my secret to tell... and I don't really want to keep that mental image imprinted in my head, never mind having anyone else have to bear with it."
Bucky released you from his grip and you gasped, trying to take in as much oxygen as possible. He pulled an awkward fake smile.

"I think you and dandelion fluff with make a really cute couple." You say as he turns around to leave you. He tried to hide it, but you'd seen the smile that crept onto his face.

An hour later, you returned to the living room. Bucky and Steve pulled apart as you walked in, but you payed no attention to them, as you flopped onto the couch.
A few minutes later, the three of you heard footsteps, then Tony appeared, still looking half asleep . He yawned and rubbed his eyes, and as he did you jumped out of your seat, and sat in-between Bucky and Steve, then wrapped one of your arms around Steve's neck, covering it from Tony.

"Morning Mr Stark" you spoke awkwardly, he replied with a slight nod of the head and sat down on the sofa that you'd been on a minute ago.
"Why don't we get something to eat, then start working" you say to Tony. He looked at you, uninterested. "I came up with a rough idea fo-" you started.
"You know what... I'm tired, I'm hung-over, I'm going back to bed... we can work on it tomorrow" he said, then stood up and left the room.

As soon as he left you sighed with relief and got up from between Steve and Bucky.
You were about to leave too when you realised they could probably want an
"Steve... you might want to put on a shirt that covers your neck... and you're welcome" you smiled.
Steve's face turned a slight magenta colour as he picked up his phone and used it as a mirror, looking at the bruise that had formed on his neck.
"I said I was going to keep your secret... but you're going to have to try a bit harder to keep it yourselves" you smirked, then left.

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