Chapter 11

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There was a piercing sting as you hit the water and began to sink.  You plunged further and further down into the darkness.
You were holding your breath and trying to keep calm but fear and dread overcame any logic. You panicked, trying to wave your arms and legs furiously, but you were solidified, and the pain you were in was too just carried on sinking.
You felt drowsiness and darkness from all corners , and the need for oxygen was rising. You were at a breaking point of you being able to hold your breath.

Whoever says drowning is a peaceful way to die is extremely wrong.

You were on the verge of losing consciousness, the the instinct not to breathe was overpowered. You tried to inhale and your lungs slowly began to fill with water.
Thoughts began to shriek through your mind during what you believed were going to be your last seconds, and you began to panic again. You began Flailing your arms more, knowing you were making things worse.
You pushed of the riverbed and tried to swim to the surface, but It felt like the water was dragging you back down.  You carried on trying to bring yourself upwards, but you began to feel even more drowsy. You pictured Loki in the few seconds before he pushed you...What was the look on his face? Apathy, regret, remorse ?

Your oxygen-deprived mind made you almost black out, when you suddenly felt your hands reach the surface. You flailed and emerged from the water, taking in a much needed lungful of air. You then began coughing and spluttering, trying to swim over to the river bank, even though your body was limp and in agonising pain. You flopped onto the bank and fully collapsed, still simultaneously coughing and trying to take in as much air as possible,
One hand was clutching your stomach and the other was clutching your throat. Your lungs burnt like lava.
The darkness mixed with your semi-unconsciousness made it virtually impossible to see anything. You were filled with fear.
You slipped in and out of consciousness. How were you not dead ?! You had three holes ripped through your stomach and lungs filled with water.

You could hear something... it was a voice, but it was muffled and cut off by ringing in your ears. You then saw a silhouette towering above you. The voice / voices? continued but were growing increasingly louder. You were too weak and had given up at this point, so you couldn't make out anything they were saying.
You tried to focus all of your energy on recognising the silhouette that was stood there. You could feel yourself gasping for breath, the stinging in your throat and stomach and the blood on your hands, but nothing else seemed real, and you couldn't focus your attention on them enough to make out who it was.
You just realised there were tears streaming down your face. You were close to death and you knew it, you started to feel more tranquil than you had done and the darkness slowly but steadily turned to light. The silhouette was becoming more clear, but you knew now it would not make a difference as to who it was... there was nothing they could do.

Then you realised...
Loki ?

AN : heyyy guys, i was supposed to upload yesterday but procrastination and business got in the way. I know it's a shorter chapter and I'm sorry but I think it suits well, and I wanted to upload something because I'm not going to be able to publish anything else for the next few days/ maybe weeks ...  also, sorry for the cliffhanger .^-^.

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