Chapter 1: Before Him

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So I figure I tell you some of the back story of my life before we start to read my journal. So let's go back, way back. I guess I'll start by explaining my relationship, if that's what you even want to call it with my parents. My mom and I get along pretty well but we've never really been close though, and that's about it honestly. I love my mom a lot, but we aren't close, she's always had to deal with a lot and my whole family in general keeps to their own lives. But when it comes to my dad it's a bit more of a story. You see, he's been in and out of the hospital for pretty much the entirety of my life. He's had surgery after surgery for different things and is not home much. So as you can imagine, he hasn't been here in my life much and to be honest I've gotten to a point where I don't care anymore. We don't get along at all, he is a very selfish person who likes the world to revolve around him and his problems. I guess you could say I have a few things against him that I'm mad about and hurt by. He's ignored all of my families' problems, even though he was well aware of them and caused us a lot of unneeded grief. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my dad, but I don't like him. The doctors could never find something that works for him and some of the meds he's on make him verbally and sometimes physically abusive to me on top of the fact that's he's become a drunk.
He's always starting a verbal fight and many times even corners me, screaming at me until my mom or brother gets him to stop. Through all of this I have started to become very depressed, but have always been great at hiding my pain. 6th grade came and my depression was overwhelming to me, and that was when I started to self harm. I still remember how it felt, it made all of the pain I was feeling inside and made it physical and it gave me release from everything. So all throughout Middle School my depression just got worse, I hid my cuts on my thighs and stomach, never cried in public, and was all smiles. There was no reason to tell anyone because no one would actually give a shit anyway. Well that's what I had always thought at least. I was so depressed until Louis and that's the day we're going to start reading, December 16, 2010.


Ok! I hope you all enjoy this first chapter, I know it's kind of short but the rest of my chapters will be longer. I had to write some back story so you would be able to understand what Allie's past is. I hope you enjoy my book! Thank you so much for all of your support!

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