Chapter Two

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(Warning for drug usage in this chapter.)

Connor tapped his pencil against his desk, frowning softly as he watched his teacher speak. After a few minutes, he excused himself to the restroom and left the room, going to his locker and sighing. He quietly opened it, grabbing something, and speeding out of the school. He sat on the steps of the school, pulling out the small bag of weed. He quickly rolled out a blunt and lit it, quietly smoking as he closed his eyes.

"So much for waiting 'til lunch."
He spoke aloud, not caring much about anyone hearing. He heard the sound of the school door opening and a soft sqeak. He looked back and saw the kid from before, staring at him with wide eyes. Connor hummed, blowing out smoke from his nose before speaking.

"What are you doing here?" His voice wasn't angry, just confused. The kid flushed pink out of embarrassment, his eyes a little wider. He quickly began stuttering, to which Connor raised a hand to silence him. "C'mere, kid." The shorter one did as he was told, scurrying over and sitting next to him. Connor handed him the blunt, blowing out a puff of smoke. "
"Take a hit, try and relax. God knows you need it."

The boy stared at the drug, shaking a bit. "I-I-I d-don't know, C-Connor, I'm n-not sure-"

"Kid, we live in Colorado, it's been legal for years. It won't hurt you at all, it'll just take off the edge a bit." He rolled his eyes, leaning back against the steps as he spoke. "I have plenty at home, so I don't mind sharing it." He spoke matter-of-factly, looking at him.

The smaller boy looked at the lit blunt before shakily putting it to his mouth and sucking in. Hos eyes widened and he yanked it out, coughing wildly and he held it away from his face. Connor patted his back lightly, chuckling.

"That's going to happen." Connor had a grin on his face. The other's coughing fit ended and he looked at Connor with a slight glare. He raised his hands defensively. "You're the one who agreed to it, uh..."

The other looked down at the blunt, sighing.
"E-Evan Hansen."

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