Chapter Twenty Two

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Jared had left before Evan awoke, apologizing for how he acted all those months ago. In all honesty, it had left Connor's mind. There had been too much going on in his life to think about a gay kid being scared of... being gay.

Connor walked into the living room with a warm pop-tart, noticing Evan sitting up in the couch in a bundle of blankets. His eyes were closed and the only thing that showed from the blankets was his face and a small tuft of hair. Connor smiled softly and sat next to him, feeling him gently lean against him.

"You look like a burrito, Ev." His words came out in a small chuckle, a small smile on his face as Evan looked up at him. He blinked at him slowly before looking back at the TV.

"Am I a cute burrito?"

Connor raised an eyebrow at the question, confused. Is he a cute burrito? Of course. He nodded slightly, smiling at his boyfriend.

"The cutest."

Evan seemed satisfied, smiling softly as he watched the TV. The two sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company. Evan managed to pop his head out of the blankets, allowing Connor to play with his hair quietly. 

"Jared stopped by today." Connor's voice was soft as he spoke, still playing with his boyfriend's hair. He felt him tense up a bit before relaxing under the touch, smiling gently.

"What did he want?" He closed his eyes, nuzzling Connor's hand as Connor relayed all they had spoken about. He listened intently, nodding occasionally as he spoke.

"I'm glad he came to terms about his sexuality." He smiled softly as he leaned close to Connor. The taller one nodded, playing with his hair gently and smiling, allowing the day to pass by as they lied there happily.

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