Chapter Twenty Three

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(So, explaination about something in this chapter: This isn't exactly a crossover, more like a cameo. The few that show up now are just side characters and don't show up more after this. Also... This is the last chapter. I can't think of anything else to happen after this and I think it would be best to end it on a high note! I will be writing more Musical Fics, mostly BMC and DEH. Annnd some x readers. So stay tuned!)

A few months had passed and school was up and running again. During those months, multiple people had banded together to restaff the school and set new policies so things such as what happened to Evan and Connor wouldn't happen again.

The two had to redo senior year due to their expulsion and they currently stood outside, staring up at the doors with shaking hands clasped together tightly. They both never wanted to come here again, especially after the hell that was their last day, but they needed to graduate high school at least.

Connor squeezed Evan's hand gently as he pulled him inside, walking past all the people staring and whispering.

Just how he remembered it. Except... He felt a hand touch his shoulder and he stopped, looking down at a small boy. He stood proudly and smelled strongly of weed (Connor smiled a bit on the inside.), his red hoodie a bit stained from various things. He had black headphones around his neck and as he looked up at Connor, the taller could hear Bob Marley playing softly. The kid grinned and took Connor's hand in a firm shake before dropping it.

"Hey. My name is Michael, you're Connor and Evan, right?" He got a curt nod in return, grinning wide, "Thanks to you two, the board got rid of over half the staff and replaced them with more inclusive people and policies! Hell, we got a GSA started thanks to you two! More people are out and open, includin' me!" He jabbed a thumb at his chest, looking proud. A taller boy walked up beside Michael, scratching the back of his neck as he smiled awkwardly, braces flashing against his pale skin.

"Ah, yeah, w-we just wanted to thank you. I'm Jeremy, by the way..." He smiled a bit and waved, Evan smiling a bit and waving back.

Connor took all the information in slowly, his eyes slightly wider than usual as he thought. The two of them getting expelled caused people to... come out? He furrowed his brows a bit but hummed.

"Is Cupid gone?" He got a nod in response. "Then I guess that's why you are so calm with coming out..."

"The new principle is a lesbian, she has her wife's picture on her desk and sometimes she even shows up to bring people cookies." Jeremy smiled a bit. "She's nice. The dean is Mrs. Chandler! Her wife is Mrs. Duke."

Evan smiled wide and bounced a bit, looking up at Connor happily, "We can be open about us, Connor! " He looked like he was going to cry.

Connor smiled happily and nodded, kissing his temple, "Yeah, Evan, Yeah we can."

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