Chapter Twenty

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(Okay, so about this chapter: This is NSFW. It's also slightly self-indulgent, if I'm being honest. BUT, you can skip the beginning of this chapter, as it's just filler and only smut. There will be the usual spacers after the smut, so feel free to move right past.
ALSO, due to the testosterone, and the fact that he most likely had his eggs taken out (It's likely he had developed cysts, like myself, due to the hormones.), don't worry about y'know...
Pregnancy. If they do have sex again, they'll wear a condom, just to be safe.
With that said, This is the one time I will write smut in this story, sorry.)

Evan's face was a dark pink as he looked at Connor. He opened and closed his mouth before swallowing the lump in his throat and nodding.

"Y-Y-Yeah- just- gentle... please...?" He was stumbling all over his words, his eyes closing as he breathed. He had never been asked this before, and in such a gentle and loving way... He could have never imagined anyone would want him in this way.

Connor nodded. "Of course. You forget I've never done this, either?" He gave a sheepish grin as he cupped the back of Evan's neck, pulling him back into a soft kiss. Lips amateurishly pushed together out of nervousness, teeth gnashing softly as Evan reached his hands up Connor's shirt. He gently rubbed and prodded, his brows furrowed a bit in concentration.

He jumped slightly once he felt a tongue push into his mouth, exploring it a bit. Evan shuddered a little as he pinched a nipple slightly, experimenting. His face flushed darker, if it were possible, at the sound of a soft moan from Connor. Thank God Heidi was working. He continued to gently pinch and prod at his chest, earning happy little mewls and moans from his boyfriend.

Soon enough, Connor pulled away from the kiss and gently gripped the bottom of Evan's shirt, looking up at him with hopeful eyes. Evan gently nodded and closed his eyes as his shirt was pulled up and over his head.

"Beautiful..." Connor's voice was soft and Evan let out a small squeak as he was suddenly flipped onto his back. Connor climbed over him and kissed down his chest gently, holding his hips, "Y-You're so beautiful, Evan." He looked up at him boyfriend with sparkling eyes, kissing right above his pants.

He quickly unbuttoned them and pulled both his boxers and pants down in one swift motion, leaving the boy nude. Evan's hands flew to cover his face, his cheeks bright as he stuttered,

"A-Ack, C-Connor..." Said boy smiled softly and moved between his legs, lifing his hips and resting his thighs on his shoulders. Licking up his boyfriend's dripping entrance, he felt his back arch and heard a slightly higher pitched moan come from his mouth. He smirked and licked his clit gently, sucking slowly as he looked up through droopy eyelids.

Evan's eyes were shut tight and his mouth was open, a bit of drool dripping from it. He looked like a mess and Connor had barely touched him. He continued to suck and lick his clit gently, his eyes closing as he concentrated on making his boyfriend feel good. He felt his hips shake slightly as he already got close, hands gripping his hair as moans and gasps filled the room. He sounded like a pornstar.

Evan's back arched and his head tossed back as he moaned Connor's name loudly, feeling himself topple over the edge, climax hitting him hard. He pulled at Connor's hair and gasped, panting and looking down at him as his body shook lightly. His boyfriend's hair was tangled and matted from Evan's hands and his face was wet from... Evan's face flushed dark.

"You're a mess..." Connor chuckled softly at the sentence. He nodded and sat up, pulling off his hoodie and climbing off the bed to kick off his pants and boxers. Connor wasn't exactly big, he was average for his age, only being around 7 inches hard. He climbed back over Evan and rubbed himself against his entrance, letting out a breath.

"G-God..." His voice was a bit deeper due to arousal as he looked at Evan. He had his hands over his mouth as his thighs shook lightly. Connor bit his lip slightly, "I-I'll be gentle. I promise." Before he could get a response, he slowly pushed in, gasping slightly as the warm tightness. He pushed in inch by inch before bottoming out and breathing, allowing Evan to adjust.

Evan squeezed around him reflexively, his eyes squeezed shut. It hurt, yeah, of course it did, but it felt amazing at the same time. After a few minutes, he pushed down against Connor's cock, squeezing and earning a soft moan.

Connor began slowly thrusting, angling his hips a bit to brush against his sweet spot as he held his legs open. He thrusted slowly but hard, still making sure not to hurt Evan. He reached between his legs and slowly rubbed his clit, thrusting a little faster into him.

"E-Evan- Y-You feel amazing..." He spoke breathlessly, looking at his boyfriend. Evan's eyes widened and he spoke softly.

"D-Don't say things l-like that, Connor- ah- I-It's embarrassing..." He looked away and Connor smiled, kissing his neck gently as he thrusted into him fasted, hitting his sweet spot hard and fast. Evan's eyes widened as he felt pleasure bubble up in his abdomen as he got close again. Connor felt it too, thrusting into him and bottoming out as he came into him.

Evan's back arched as he felt himself get filled up, hearing Connor mumble a soft curse under his breath as he slowly pulled out. He sat up a bit and spread his legs, looking down at the cum dripping from him.

"O-Oh, shit, uh-" Connor seemed worried but Evan put up his hand.

"I-I can't get pregnant. D-Don't worry." He gave a sheepish smile and grabbed his hand gently. "We should get cleaned up."


It had been an hour and the two were lying in bed, just holding each other close. Connor held Evan to his chest, his arms around his midsection as the TV played some old Nick shows in the back. He pressed a kiss to the top of Evan's head, his eyes closed.

"I love you, Evan Hansen."

"I love you, too, Connor Murphy."

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