Chapter Eight

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(Warnings: Panic Attacks and mentions of religion and homophobia)

(Lowkey dedicated to inscmniac)

Connor was currently sitting in the school's only single toliet, his eyes wide as he stared at his shoes. His breath was fast and his pupils were blown wide. His body shook and his hands were sweaty, tears streaming down his face.

Jared Kleinman. That fucking cunt. He had stopped him and Evan in the hall just to make a joke about them being "secret gays". When asked why they would hide if they were dating by Evan, Jared tilted his head in confusion, a smile on his face.

"Because it's wrong?"

Connor couldn't blame the kid, he grew up in a devout Catholic household with extremely homophobic parents. Hate is taught, as they say. But Connor had to immediately leave the scene and go to a restroom away from the loudness of high school. He ended up in the nurse.

Now he was here, having his first panic attack in over a month. Connor could barely breathe; his throat felt like it was closing up and his nose was clogged with tears and snot. He couldn't fucking breathe.

He let out a loud, shaky cry before jumping at the gentle knocks on the bathroom door. He shook his head and shakily wiped his face, trying his best to calm down before standing. His knees buckled and he fell, curling up a bit. Then he heard it. He heard the only hope he had of calming down and being stable in this hell.

"C-Connor?" Evan's voice was soft and frightened as he heard the click of the bathroom door shutting. Gentle but quick footsteps stopped next to his face. Soft hands lifted his head before letting it fall onto squishy thighs. Connor pressed close to the warmth of Evan's body, his eyes squeezing shut as he cried softly, his body shaking hard. Gentle hands ran through his hair and soft humming rang through the air.

Connor's breathing and shaking eventually slowed and he relaxed, just enjoying the feeling of Evan being close. He was surprised that the smaller boy wasn't panicking himself, but he didn't mention it, enjoying the attention and affection he was getting. He sighed softly as he sat up, starling Evan a bit. His face immediately turned into one of concern.

"C-Connor, are you okay? Why did you panic, what-?" Evan began stuttering again, his eyes wide and scared. The taller boy shook his head and cupped his cheek, rubbing a thumb over it. Evan immediately relaxed, nuzzling the hand sighing. Connor's heart thumped rapidly in his chest and his eyes were hazy. He wasn't thinking straight.

He wasn't thinking straight in any manner of speaking. He cupped both of Evan's cheeks in his hands and leaned in, his eyes squeezed shut as he kissed him softly.

Evan tasted like pumpkin spice('Gross.' Connor thought.) and sugar. His lips were soft against his own chapped ones. He heard a tiny gasp of surprise before shaky hands gripped his shoulders. Connor expected Evan to push him away, he really did.

He felt his body get pulled closer and the soft lips begin to move against his. He was kissing him back. He knew what he was doing and he was kissing him back. Connor's brain was screaming.

There was a soft giggle before Evan pulled away, wiping his mouth. "Blegh, you taste like tears and snot."

Connor's face broke into a wide smile and he laughed softly.

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