Chapter Nine

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(Holy shit, this fic hit over 1k reads what the hell. I love you all so much, thank you so so so much for reading.
The picture above is the chewy toy Connor was given. It's on if you want it!
Also, it's been around another month.
ALSO, warning for homophobia, transphobia, misgendering, deadnaming, ableism, and anxiety attacks.
There's a hidden transboy, can you figure out who?)

Connor's hands played with his sleeves nervously as he sat outside the dean's office. He had been called down for an unknown reason and was told that his parents had been contacted. His anxiety was through the roof and he could barely control his breathing, his eyes squeezed shut.

He needed Evan. He needed his boyfriend, he needed to breathe. Connor's thoughts were soon full of Evan. He thought of how warm his hands were, how his eyes sparkled when he spoke about his special interest, and when his face flushed dark whenever Connor commented on how adorable they were. Recently, the two had started to do more couple-like things. They would share gentle and quick kisses as the classes changed, they'd hold hands through the day, and they'd go on movie dates. Mushy and domestic shit.

Connor's head perked up as a shaky Evan and annoyed Jared walked through the Dean's office door. Connor relaxed somewhat, still slightly tense at the sight of Kleinman. Evan's eyes widened and he quickly moved to sit next to Connor, taking his hand in his as they waited for the dean. Jared shook his head but said nothing as he sat on the other side of Connor. He had gotten a swift punch the most recent time he had commented on Evan and Connor and was starting to learn his lesson.

Evan began to speak in a hushed whisper, his brows furrowed, "Why are you here, Connor?" He seemed concerned and worried, his eyes glinting slightly. Connor shrugged.

"I don't know. All I know is my parents were called."

"So was my mom..." Jared snorted a bit.

"Did you two rough up a kid or something? Take his money?" Evan's eyes widened and he shook his head fast, babbling about how he would never and how Connor had stopped being such an asshole since they started hanging out. Connor nodded along as he spoke, a soft smile on his face.

Connor's anxiety peaked again as his mother and father ran into the Dean's. Evan's hand quickly pulled away and he put it in his khaki's pocket, looking away from Connor. Ms. Murphy cupped Connor's cheeks, looking at him with concern.

"Oh, honey, did someone hurt you?! Who do we have to sue, huh?" She was serious as she spoke, her motherly words attempting to soothe the obviously shaken up Connor. He shook his head as she spoke in a loud voice, a sob bubbling up in his throat as he felt an anxiety attack coming on.

Evan's mom rushed into the office next, a bottle of medication in her hand and a chewy fidget toy in the other. She moved past Cynthia and quickly got to work, pulling a water bottle from her bag and handing Evan his pills. He looked embarrassed but said nothing, taking the medication and nibbling on the fidget a bit. He seemed to visibly relax, his eyes closing as he leaned back.

Heidi noticed how tense and shaky Connor was and put a hand on his mother's shoulder, gently pulling her back. "You're stressing him out, Cynthia. He looks like he's about to cry."

Larry, Connor's father, spoke.

"My boy doesn't cry."

Right on cue, a tear slipped from the corner of Connor's eye and a hand shot up to wipe it fast, his breathing quick. The dam broke and he began to give shakey, choked sobs as he attempted to curl up on himself, his eyes squeezed shut tight as he was obviously having a panic attack. His mother stumbled back, staring wide eyed.

Heidi gently lifted his head and handed him the water and PRN medication. He shakily thanked her and took it quickly before feeling something droop around his neck. He looked at the necklace, his eyes a little wide. It was one of the chewy things Evan had.He shakily lifted it to his mouth, chewing on it hesitantly. He felt his body relax as he focused on the sensation of it in his mouth and he sighed.

The medicine was kicking in and he knew they were sedatives by the way he didn't react to his mother's loud... well, discrimination.

"You're giving my son one of those toys your little freak has?! What the hell?! Connor, get that out of your mouth!" Connor lazily looked up at her, nibbling the toy casually.

Heidi seemed as if she was going to say something, but the Dean's door opened.


The drugs were starting to wear off, but Connor still chewed on the toy, holding Evan's slightly sweaty hand under the table in the office. The only person not in the room was Jared- He most likely got sent to the deans for being an asshole. There was an awkward silence in the air that nobody dared to break until the Dean- Mr. Cupid - spoke.

"So," His voice was soft but serious, "I called you all down here today to speak about a few actions that have been observed in your two children." He spoke hestantly and noticed the two boys tense fast, their eyes wide. Their grip on each other tightened.

Cynthia spoke up.
"I'm sure whatever it is, it's just friendly fighting, no biggie!" Mr. Cupid shook his head.

"No, Ms. Murphy, their behavior has been a lot more... friendly. Students have reported.... kissing between the two," He gave a disgusted look, "Boys."

Time stood still. The room was silent and all Connor could hear was his heartbeat in his ears. The toy fell from his mouth as he stared with wide, gleaming eyes. No. Nonono, this is not how he wanted to come out, this is not how he wanted to do this, this could not be happening this could not-

Heidi spoke up.
"So? I saw around five straight couples about eating each other's faces off as I walked here, so what if the boys give each other pecks? "

"We do not tolerate this kind of behavior here. We are a prestigious school and we have a reputation to uphold."

Connor's parents were silent. He risked a glace at them and regretted it. They seemed angry and horrified and Connor felt like he was falling again. He felt the air leave his lungs as his father spoke.

"My son is no... no Homo, Mr. Cupid," He shook his head, "You were just seeing a girl with Evan."

Heidi looked appauled, looking at both the Dean and Larry.
"This is illegal! Discrimination against students for their sexualities and genders is illegal!" Her head snapped towards the Dean. "You said, when I signed up my son to this school, that he would be treated fairly and with respect!"

The dean composed himself.
"We have come across new management, Ms. Hansen. Your," He eyed Evan up and down as he spoke, "daughter is no longer allowed here, either. I'm sorry, but both Connor Murphy and Christina Hansen are expelled."

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