Chapter Twelve

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(So, apparently, the triple update was actually a quadruple update and I've never been more ashamed of myself for being obsessed with writing.
WARNINGS: Homophobia, Surgery mentions, and Abandonment by family. )

It had been over a month since the hell that was his school kicked Connor and Evan out. Connor had only gone back to his house once and was promptly pushed out by his father, all of his clothes in a suitcase and a box of his electronics with him. Evan had quickly come and picked him up, helping him move into the spare bedroom of his house.

Of course, Connor had objected, stating that he didn't want to invade the Hansen's privacy, but was quickly hushed by a soft kiss from his boyfriend.

"You're not invading anything." Evan had spoken softly and, well, when your boyfriend is that cute, there's no saying no. So Connor moved in with Evan and his mom, and although his things were in the spare room, he had never once slept in the bed, opting to sleep with Evan.

Now, the three were sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office, Heidi and Connor holding Evan's hands. Today was Evan's 18th birthday, and they had gone out to eat before coming to a well known surgeon to get Evan his long awaited top surgery. The aforementioned boy was chewing on his toy like there was no tomorrow, obviously anxious. Connor squeezed his hand slightly before Evan's name was called. Connor stayed seated, knowing he couldn't go back, as Heidi and Evan walked into the hospital-like hallway.

So Connor waited.

He sat out there for almost four hours, chewing on the flower-shaped toy and scrolling through his phone. He had to get it turned back on since his mom turned off his service. He had basically been disowned, the only person to even bother to look at him being Zoe. She had visited a few times to check on him, which surprised him greatly. Nevertheless, he was thankful.

At around 12:30, his name was called and he shot up. He was allowed to go back. He quickly sped to Evan's room and stopped at the door, staring at the boy in the bed. He had tubes flowing from his chest that were connected to large sacks on his stomach. Evan was asleep and didn't seem to be in any pain at all, his face soft and relaxed.

Connor quietly sat in the seat on the left side of the bed, across from a sleeping Heidi. He smiled gently as he nuzzled Evan's hand, holding it in his as he waited for him to wake up. He fell asleep while leaning back in the seat, his hand clasped onto Evan's gently.


Connor awoke to his name being called softly. His eyes fluttered open and he hazily looked st Evan, seeing the boy smiling wide with tears in his eyes. Connor smiled, speaking softly.

"Hi, Evan."

Evan let out a happy sob, smiling wider than what should be humanly possible.

"H-Hi, Connor."  A thumb brushed over the back of Evan's hand, sending gentle shocks through his body. He sighed happily and looked at his boyfriend from the bed, holding his hand tightly.

"I-I'm so happy, C-Connor-!" He let out a happy laugh before wincing. His chest hurt from rising and falling so fast and he loiked back at Connor. The boy seemed a little worried but okay.

"I love you, Evan Hansen."

"I love you, too, Connor Murphy."

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